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Over the years we have asked our visitors many different questions and any of the below topics contain hundreds of comments from people all over the world. Enjoy reading what other people have to say on those subjects:-). If you have any question you would like us to ask our visitors, please let us know.







Visitors Comments made during the month of March-April 2002:

Name and Country  Visitors Comments about
Name withheld by request Like the digital photos.
Name withheld by request It looks very well done. I've been looking at a lot of sites and this one appears to have the best didjs by far.
Alex Kristof from USA It is a great site
Name withheld by request It has been difficult to find many sites with this much information and knowledge. It is definetly the best I have seen so far. I really like the way you grade; and the fact that most of the didjeridoos can be heard in the same organized fashion.
Name withheld by request I think it is a great site! It seems very complete!
Andreu Mumbrú from Spain very interesting and nice site
Name withheld by request I've had some trouble getting through to your server; and some of your text seems to be overwriting other text under 'cheap learners'. Pretty good; other than that.
Andrew Sego from USA I LOVE it. its great just to browse around and see the different kinds od didgeridoos. I've been looking for a site this good for a long time
Andrew Stegga from Australia Great;informative site;easy to navigate and I've never seen so many pictures of beautiful didges.Reading through the site it seems that instrument quality is assured.
Andy L from USA It is the best set up site on this subject that I have seen online.
Name withheld by request FIRST LOOK BUT PRETTY COOL
Name withheld by request its cool; I've never come across a website like this
Anne-Marie Common from Australia I personally enjoy this site and as my mother is a collector of aboriginal artifacts she has several didgeridoos;a bullroarer; rainmakers;emu eggs;paintings etc I'd love to add one to her collection.
Name withheld by request I think it is a very nice wed site. I think if some of the pics were bigger it would be easier.
Bart Sels from Belgium a lot of choice the possibillity of hearing the didges is very nice
Bernd Steinke from Germany Very large amount of didj's; great ! Can't say more; because I didn't order one and so I have no experiences with your shop
Bertram Wahl from Germany Congratulations. I have never seen such a good website. I think it is very difficult to sell music instruments like didjis through internet and give the customers this reliable information and trusty feeling.
Bill Dewey from USA Website is GREAT; the information and sound comparisons are a great learning tool. The only problem I have found is that the Didge Net Search links all seem broken. - they work again now -
Bill O'Connell from USA It looks complete..I'm Bookmarking it for future use.
bruno alessi from France it's alittle bit early but my first impressions are very good.
Canaan Machida from USA Excellent website. Very comprehensive for both the uninitiated and experienced didgeridu player. This was the first site I came to to learn everything I could about didgeridus.
Charles Christoph from USA Does your 1 time entry mean once a month; a year; a lifetime; or a didj?
Name withheld by request Great ! Informative !
Conny Helbig from Germany Great Site; fast loading; very informative
Name withheld by request Very good site! Well organized and most helpful!
Name withheld by request Very helpful guides and info about didjes. Great work with the sound files.
Craig Hohm from USA nice website.very good email advice service. thanks
Name withheld by request Good information. Easy to use.
Dave te Sligte from Canada I'm astounded at the quality; and I was delighted to find it so easily. I was very happy to find such a comprehensive site to explore more thoroughly the world of the didj; which is pretty new to this Canadian guy.
Name withheld by request It's great how you guys don't let all the new computer technology bother the design of the site. The faster things can load the better.
David Jacobson from USA What an excellent site; I have searched all over for a good didj site and I have found it. It is comparable with actually testing your own didj in the shop; and it is the easiest browsing I have ever done. I love how it is organized; sound quality; paintings; bells; and of course price. it makes the whole research that much easier and enjoyable. The photos and mp3s make the site just perfect. Ill always have this page bookmarked!
David mrno1 from France Nice site; nice explaination but Not enought free ressources. Ok it s a business site; but I think didje is a culture that must live and communicate above all.
Donat Callens from Belgium Lovely information and plain presentation; but keep the colors low; its a litle too flashy for me
Drew Herrema from Canada it is well oraganizedand visual apelaing
Ed Boon from Netherlands Its great also because you can hear the didjees by mp3; and there is so much to read on the site and good info..
Name withheld by request Seems to be one of the most informative and knowedgable sites I've found.
Ed LaPlace from USA It's the best site I've been able to find for shopping and hearing the instruments. The combination of digital pictures and sample sound files for the instruments is what convinced me to try a purchase.
Eric Wenstrom from USA Great website; very informative and helpful to all interested.
everett langhans from Brazil What a plesant suprise to discover your highly specialized extreemly comprehensive site! Certainly; I will visit from time to time. I have become a serious student of the didj and am delighted to know your site exists.
fred appeldorn from Netherlands It would be nice if this contest would be translated into dutch also; because then it would be easyer to follow; that is for me ofcause; because I am dutch;but the rest is supergood.
Name withheld by request cool site! maybe better quality images when you open the details of a didgeridoo
Gonneke Kalker from Netherlands Its a very good site! lots of information; lots of sounds to enjoy; and I learn a lot..comming back ....I guess every day from now on :-) and...trying to reserve some money to buy one....it's going to take me some time....
Henry Ryder from England Its fiendishly good; with so much to offer. Its not on all music websites that you can hear the instrument being played showing the whole diverse range of sounds it can produce.
Horst Lattek from Germany very informative
Jacob Stanley from Belgium You many pictures and variety are a nice plus
Jeremie Smith from Canada Great site; it's nice to know some companies are still socially conscious.
Jo Jackson from Australia Nice and easy to navigate.
John Mucha from USA Very professional.
john sandstrum from USA Great site. I'm probably going to buy a bag from you soon; after I have someone look at my didj and tell me if it's worth even keeping in a bag. Once I learn a little more; I'll probably buy a "quality" didj from you guys. I REALLY like the instructions you give with the PCV pipe didj. I just bought the pipe; and am going to make a didj with it. I want to learn on that one first before I buy a nice one. (I have 2 small kids who keep grabbing the cheap wooden didj I have now.)
Name withheld by request It is a nice and interesting website and I will defenetely visit it again. It has nice informations; as well.
Jorge Radigales from Barcelona la mejor pagina de didgeridoos
joseph fortdefrance from USA It's good see an impressive site with so much imformation and the ability to order products is a really nice combination.
Judith Rachmani from Israel/Palestine great
Name withheld by request Absoultly Brilliant great deal of information put together in a concerning manner.
Name withheld by request Interesting
justin bradley from Ireland normally I don't fill forms like this but this has to be the most comprehensive and informitive shopping site I have ever visited. its far far more than a mere shopping site. well done on your hard work!
Ken Brunette from USA I have added them to my website in the music chapter.
kevin wisdom from USA awesome site!!! I love the mp3's that let you hear certain types of didjs. great selection too.
Name withheld by request Very thorough
Name withheld by request I thought it is colorful and interesting to visit because of the options of listining and the pictures are great. also very easy to get around the different catagories.
Mahesan Selaldurai from Malaysia I just love the web site ..... full of information. The MP3 didj sounds ..... perfect. No complaints .... just compliments.
Mareike Nickel from Germany I haven't seen the whole website yet; sorry; but I know that I'll like it very much when I do! The site seems to be very interesting; with many options to get to know the didgeridoo in every detail and with all its backgrounds and stories. The site also offers good possibilities to get in contact with other didge-players and -lovers and to probably share new ideas and the pleasure to play.
Mariano Lasala from Spain Es una página muy completa y éncuentro de gran utilidad los servicios de formularios que ofrece a la hora de elegir un didG.Me parece que sería una gran idea que tuviera traducción al español.
marshall yang from USA lots of nice picturesfriendly site
Name withheld by request It's interesting and easy to navigate.
Name withheld by request very informative; and well laid out
Name withheld by request good layout and sound files
Name withheld by request Nice and clear instructions
Matthew Risell from USA I think it is very well designed; and easy to use.
Michael Janes from USA I am a web developer and I feel that your site is very informative and user-friendly.
Michael Taylor from USA Wonderful!!! alot of information on the didj and the culture behind it. One of; if not the best site I've seen on this topic.
Name withheld by request very good
miki balsamo from Italy it's grand!good craic
Name withheld by request Very well planned and organised
Name withheld by request Fascinating and detailedNew information for me
Neil Richardson from Netherlands Didjshop.com is just supperb; I really mean it. It has all the information one need's on buying; playing; how the didjes are made; who makes them; how they sound; I can even here the didjes. For me the fact that some of the money goes to replanting is important also. Some people have said to me it's a bit of a risk buying a didj on the internet, but having bought one quality didj from you and a friend (kkdecay@hotmail.com) buying 3 didjes of the same quality I assure everyone that didjshop.com can really be trusted and offcourse you have so many beutiful didjes to choose from. I often visit at your web site because there is so much info, and I like to check on any new didjes.
Peter Verbakel from Netherlands It is always a pleasure to visit the site; Easy to look around in the shop. Well documentared; nice photografes; good sounds
Pierre-antoine winocq from France Tres bon site; tres bien expliqué et interressant
Quinn Davis from Canada I love the photos of each individual didg.I also appreciate the that I can hear them played.
Raymond Morris from Australia Love the site excellent standard didj's
Rick Lallement from Australia The new format is much better! I really haven't had time to spend to completely research it as yet.
Rob Mast from Netherlands Cool site with lots of information for a interested wouldbe beginner like me
Name withheld by request Amazing
Robert Reh from Germany Excellent page; lot's of information and beautiful didges; when I get more advanced (hopefully); I would consider buying from you
Robert Rudy from USA The "Didjshop" appears to be a first class operation. Plenty of information to help someone get started or make an intelligent dicision.
ROMS STOUVENEL from France It's a very good site; the choice of didj is very importante and the instrument is don't care.
Rudy DREVET from France It's a really good website; but you can more develloped the life of aboriginals and here respect of nature. Excuse me for my very poor english; but I'm french. I want to tell more but my english is so bad and I don't understand all the website.
Name withheld by request I like it alot
samuel maxwell from USA A fantastic as well as informative website!Definitely like no other!
Name withheld by request good layout nice colour
Sterling Green Jr. from USA I would appreciate any knowledge that you have to share with me to make me part of the Didgeridoo Dream. To me PEACE ON EARTH to everything that breaths.
steve parsley from usa
Steven Desmet from Belgium It's a very nice website!
Name withheld by request The layout is somewhat messy..maybe include most things in one page with a menu and branching out??
Name withheld by request The organisation of the site is good. We can find our didj very speedly. mp3 are good quality.I wich there had a french version...
Tony Kubicek from Czech Republic - simple graphic (old-school); + transparent information; + shop structure
Tsuranu Yokoyama from Japan
Tyler Brownfield from USA This site is excellent. I've just become interested in the Didjerido and I've found everything I needed to know on this site.
virginie freytag from France quite a good site...!
Wyman White from USA I enjoy visiting the site and hope one day to be able to purchase a real diji
Name withheld by request Interesting topics; good; useful info. Never go off-line!

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