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How difficult do you think it would be to learn circular breathing (or thought it was before you learned to do it)?
How easy or difficult was it for you to actually learn circular breathing?
Please comment on learning to play circular breathing (eg. what helped you the most, what problems did you experience?)

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Name and Country How difficult do you think it would be to learn circular breathing (or thought it was before you learned to do it)? How easy or difficult was it for you to actually learn circular breathing? Please comment on learning to play circular breathing (eg. what helped you the most, what problems did you experience?)
June from USA Very difficult It was very difficult to learn I spent time watching youtube lessons.
Kai Lehrke from Canada Difficult It was quite easy to learn Drinking water and spitting it out while inhaling
Anonymous Difficult Medium easy or difficult I found using a straw in glass of water helped. at first circular breathing was difficult. when I finally stopped thinking about it and just relaxed it happened
Keith from United Kingdom Difficult Medium easy or difficult Most help was blowing down a straw whilst it was in a glass of water
Kenny Elvin from USA Medium It was rather difficult to learn I took several lessons but Allan Schokely hit the mark for me. It was a rhythm thing. I've taught over a thousand people to play in elementary schools and adult classes and had a couple people that still haven't learned that really want to. It's very interesting to me.
Anonymous Very difficult It was quite easy to learn The biggest problem I was having was covering the bump when changing from cheek air to lung air. once I realized all I had to do was sniff earlier and faster I was amazed that I could actually circular breathe. the concept was much easier to understand when I mastered blowing bubbles by circular breathing through a straw in a glass of water.
Kim from USA Medium It was rather difficult to learn Got a cd that helped
Anonymous Very difficult Medium easy or difficult Filling my mouth with water slowly push the water out while sniffing in air threw nose
Anonymous from United Kingdom Medium It was rather difficult to learn Practice make perfect
Lee Chang from Japan Very difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Very difficult can't expel enough air from cheeks to keep sound going whilst I inhale.
Lee from Australia Medium It was very difficult to learn I found that it was a lot easier to get the hang of circular breathing on my mates didge because the back pressure felt better for me
Les from USA Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe I actually just started researching youtube videos on circular breathing and have just started my interest in the Didge.
Liela Ross from USA Very difficult It was rather difficult to learn I looked up on the internet how to play then kept practicing till I finally got it and when I did I was so proud of myself and can now do my chanting much longer as well. It has helped my breathing as well. I love playing my Didgeridoo and now collect them I also balance Chakras with the sound it only after a few minutes. I am the only one that I know that knows how to play.
Luca from Italy Very difficult It was rather difficult to learn It's very difficult not to interrupt the sound it helped me to spit water trying to breathe into the shower
Anonymous from Australia Medium I never tried I look forward to having the opportunity to learn
Luz from Italy Difficult It was rather difficult to learn I learned playing fore over 15 years ago when their were no teachers or whatever so I just stubbornly tried every day for over 4 months and then one day the magic happened!
Maeve from Ireland Difficult It was quite easy to learn Starting with water in my mouth and then taking the water away after I got used to spitting it out while breathing in.
Marc from Canada Very difficult It was quite easy to learn It helped me to concentrate on great pressure in the pelvic region
Martin Donnelly from Thailand Difficult It was rather difficult to learn Getting a didge with good back pressure helped Having a teacher who had me get through it Problem of nausea disorientation
Anonymous from United Kingdom Medium It was very easy to learn It seemed fairly straightforward a bit like bending the notes on a harmonica -- once you know how to do it you wondered why there was ever a problem.
Melissa from USA Medium Medium easy or difficult I drink a tea that strengthens my lungs so I can accomplish circular breathing better.
Michael Lipson from USA Medium It was quite easy to learn Helped by website
Michael from Ireland Medium It was quite easy to learn I learned through a very helpful video on you tube and had the basics of it in no time
Anonymous from USA Difficult It was very difficult to learn I took a straw and put it in a glass of water. I would practice circular breathing that way.
Mike Clayton from United Kingdom Difficult Medium easy or difficult Coordinating use of breathing cheeks tongue was a problem for me but I often practiced without the didj by puffing out my cheeks expelling air and trying to take air in through my nose.
Anonymous Difficult Medium easy or difficult Educational video helped the most some German guy.
Nigel Mason from United Kingdom Difficult It was rather difficult to learn Using the pint pot and a straw laying in the bath pretending to be a whale forcing water out of my mouth while breathing through my nose
Anonymous Medium I never tried I am particularly interested sense I learned that this may help my sleep apnea. I also wonder if chanting may also encourage this type of breathing?
Oliver Kask from Estonia Medium Medium easy or difficult I will buy my didgeridoo on second December 2011:) But it
Anonymous Very difficult I never tried Need to get learning material.
Anonymous from USA Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Plan to start
Patrice Mahoney from Australia Medium It was rather difficult to learn I practiced with a straw in a cup of water blowing bubbles until I could do it continuously I will not ever play it was to demonstrate to my children.
Anonymous from USA Medium Medium easy or difficult I had been familiar with the concept for some time. I continued to make the effort and imagine being able to do it. At some point something switched in my thinking and it became possible for me to do. As I continued to practice it became second nature.
Patrick from USA Medium It was quite easy to learn Practice practice and more practice.
Paul De Bono from Malta Medium It was rather difficult to learn Breathing using a straw and a glass of water gave me a visual insight into circular breathing. Lots of determined practice. Main problem was running out of breath.
Paul from United Kingdom Difficult It was quite easy to learn Persistence and reading a lot of guides/tutorials. you then just get" it at some point"
Peter from USA Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe I haven't learned. I can't seem to blow out while breathing in.
Randy from USA Medium I tried, but still can't circular breathe Still working on it
Richard from USA Difficult Medium easy or difficult I just watched many youtube videos and practiced what they said until I got it. My main problem was the odd sound at first from pushing the air out of my cheeks through my tightly squeezed lips but then I relaxed my lips a little more and it sounded fine.
Richard from USA Very difficult It was very difficult to learn Smoking for 30 years hasn't helped the cause
Riley from USA Very difficult It was rather difficult to learn I spent weeks after I made my first Didj out of pvc pipe trying to learn the mechanics of circular breathing... I watched videos on youtube and asked people I knew if they were learned in the art. I became frustrated and took a break for a week or so and the next week I picked up the instrument and almost accidentally learned how to circular breath. the hardest part was making the tone of the inhale sound the same as the normal exhale drone.
Riley from USA Easy It was quite easy to learn Since I am an experienced trumpet player it was very easy. What helped me most was practicing blowing out water while breathing through the nose.
Rob from USA Difficult It was quite easy to learn Practice helped starting small and not trying for too much at once. Mostly it was a head game to let go of the idea that I couldn't do it.
Anonymous Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Just getting it. I am close but need more practice
Robert from USA Very difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe I run out of breath and patience!
Ron from Canada Difficult It was rather difficult to learn Using a balloon to develop my cheek muscle air capacity and strength was instrumental. When frustrated with trying to CB I learned to focus my attention back to making sounds and improving the snap" of my drone tone. Bounce breathing actually happened first it was a rhythmical thing for me. I have a very small mouth (physically... LOL!) I had to work carefully with the mouthpiece to get a good tone and to stop slipping my lips and having to stop and reseat them. I still struggle with this"
Ron Lankford from USA Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Not practicing enough!
Anonymous from Australia Difficult Medium easy or difficult I just tried and tried and tried for about 2 months till I finally got it. Then I lost it and tried again for a month. Then I got it.
Rual from USA Easy It was quite easy to learn Being able to keep my cheeks with enough pressure to hold the note.
Anonymous from Austria Medium It was quite easy to learn I bought me the a book from David Lindner. Tips like breathing through one or more straw into a glass of water. Reduce the mouthpiece. While you press out air with your chops breathe in.
Scott from USA Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe No teacher around very difficult
Serah from Canada Very difficult Medium easy or difficult Blowing bubbles with a straw while inhaling
Shaun from Australia Difficult Medium easy or difficult I found that trying to blow a continuous stream of bubbles through a straw in water was the most effective way for me to learn
Anonymous from New Zealand Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Big problem finding the time to practice and very frustrating that I still can't get my head around circular breathing. Instructions on internet esp your website really help though.
Steffen from Germany Medium Medium easy or difficult The most Problems I had by playing I have too many air in my lung...
Stephen Barton from New Zealand Easy Medium easy or difficult I tried teaching myself with limited success once shown it was relatively easy and I built on it from there.
Anonymous Difficult Medium easy or difficult I am still learning but found rather than blowing a raspberry it was more useful for me just to let a small puff of air out (almost like a Toot). But I tend to play with my checks inflated all the time.
Tanya Devine from Canada Medium It was rather difficult to learn The internet helped the most... seeing a diagram of what happens inside the mouth/throat... and using a cup with a straw blowing bubbles
Taylor from USA Difficult Medium easy or difficult I would say that to get the basics down it was moderately challenging. I'm still working on circular breathing though... I would definitely say that I haven't learned" it completely. I still have difficulty when playing at fast speeds to circular breath enough to keep up with my breath. Practice was helpful... also the KEY for me was trying different mouth placements on the didge. I tried forever to circular breath while facing the didge straight on - when I tried with the didge a little off-center to the right on my mouth - it became exponentially easier. I would encourage people to explore different mouth placements. "
Teresa from USA Difficult Medium easy or difficult Watched video of Aboriginal man showing how to circular breath by blowing into a cup of water with a straw pushing the air out while breathing in at the same time. Made sense to me he said that's how they help teach the children. I learn by watching and listening and did a lot of that.
Tero from Finland Medium Medium easy or difficult It was a bit of a struggle for a long while but then it sort of just clicked into place. Ever since it has come easily.
Terry from Australia Very difficult It was very difficult to learn What helped me learning to circular breath was watching the DVD by David Hudson and reading Peter Kaye's book Play and enjoy the didjeridu" as well as lots of practice. The most difficult part is blowing the stored air in the cheeks out with enough force to keep the drone going while breathing in through the nose."
Thomas from USA Medium Medium easy or difficult The thing that helped me the most was a glass of water and a straw. Trying on didj and brass instruments helped me with my woodwinds.
Thomas from Australia Difficult Medium easy or difficult Watched youtube videos where the concept was broken down into steps
Tiago from Portugal Mythology" Difficult It was quite easy to learn
Tim from Japan Medium Medium easy or difficult The key to me learning was a very good lesson from a teacher in tokyo. The trick that I now teach people learning was to understand the the sound should not stay constant and that the breathing is an essential part of the rhythm of the didge. I now teach using a 3 beat system - breathe out last breath breath in. Then slowly combine the last 2 beats. For me and watching other people learning they always concentrate on the breath in - the emphasis - I think - is on the breath out - the breath in happens naturally.
Tim White from Canada Medium I never tried I'm looking forward to the experience of learning. Pranayama is an important part of my practice and would enjoy the opportunity to be able to transfer any practice into the playing of this healing instrument.
Tina Johnston from Australia Very difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe I do OK practicing the hints and exercises but when it comes to actually playing it all goes wrong! Sort of like breathing correctly while swimming... the theory is all there but.....!! I taught all my kids to breathe while swimming but still tend to open my mouth at the wrong time!
Anonymous from USA Difficult Medium easy or difficult A guy on the ocean boardwalk gave me some tips and I practiced long
Tom from USA Difficult It was rather difficult to learn You tube didj forums.
Anonymous from USA Difficult Medium easy or difficult It was extremely difficult to find the sweet spot" it almost happened accidentally but I knew where it was just took tons of practice to be able to be able to keep it in the zone. my friends are so jealous. ha ha"
Tony from USA Medium Medium easy or difficult At first I did not think I could do it. but by blowing in to a straw in water then inhaling through my nose it became easer.
Troy Ball from USA Difficult It was rather difficult to learn YouTube helped the most. Lots of help on there.
Anonymous from USA Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Not mentored
Virginia Bleier from USA Difficult I never tried I would think it would strengthen your lungs and breathing. I also believe it helps sleep apnea!
Ward Welch from USA Difficult I never tried I never have... but I was a professional trombone player for many years and believe I would learn quickly.
Anonymous Difficult Medium easy or difficult I am still figuring out what works for me.
Willem from Netherlands Difficult It was rather difficult to learn The discipline of doing it hundreds of times for practice was the most difficult part
Anonymous from USA Medium I never tried I can't wait to give it a try.
Wouter from Netherlands Medium I never tried I wonder how it works but I can imagine already how I would be like to be alone with my didge and make music!
Anonymous from Israel Difficult I tried, but still can't circular breathe Synchronization of air intake and pushing out with the tongue at the same time

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