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Visitors Comments made during the month of February 2011:

Online name Feedback
Michael from USA Well organized and informative. Don't feel like I'm looking at another "buy me" site. Seems like you really care.
Anonymous I love it-Thank you!
Eric Hamilton from USA Excellent informative easy to use organized clear obvious that you know your stuff
Anonymous Its a nice website
Anonymous This already has been informative
Per Tillisch from USA Very informative. Physics of the Didgeridoo etc. is great information!
Megan Holguin from USA Simply put a lovely educational website
Stan from USA Very straightforward & informative
Anonymous Looks great wide selection of instruments ones I like are the most expensive though:)
Anonymous This website is my go to source for anything related to didj a wealth of information. For a long time I had no other players to learn from directly and most of what got me started came from this site.
Cameron Nelson from USA It is perfect I have always wanted a didgeridoo since I went to australia and played one and it is even cooler cause I got to watch the aborigines play one I loved it I have always wanted one since then.
Robert from Canada Well crafted dedicated
Mike from Canada Very informative
Scott Rose from Australia Interesting and useful material links work well good blend of history/ culture and modern interpretations
Anonymous from USA It could have a better color scheme and be updated from its outdated look but it is functional.
Jordan Ackerman from Canada It is great and has given me a world of information and has made me beyond exited to make didg playing one of my goals. I am a musician here in calgary and I always love building my repertoire however I've always wanted to master the didge.
Anonymous from USA Well-organized lots of information beautiful instruments
Anonymous from USA It is very help full and I like to learn about all thing Australian
Anonymous from USA I like how the majority of the site is informational it is a nice change from the very up in your face please buy now atmosphere of other websites.
Anonymous Its very helpful organized and clear.
Marc Primelo from USA Very well made
Joe from USA This is a very cool instrument
Brandon Fitzgerald from USA Your site has provided me with more didgeridoo information than I even thought existed. This site is a must for anyone that has any interest in the didgeridoo. The most important for me was the truth about the non Aboriginal cutters destroying the land. No one should support these monsters. Your company is a refreshing reminder that good people still do exist in a world of greed corruption and profit. Thank you!
Anonymous from Germany It's the best website I found about Didgeridoos. It seems very legitimate and honestly. Even the prices seems fair. The policy is exemplary as well as the (help) service. This company should get supported by every australian aborigines and didgeridoo friend
Anonymous A little hard to find the products on sale.
John from USA Overall well made
Tore Kenneth from Norway Very good and informative
Anonymous from USA So many different pages I haven't seen them all yet. Very complete information
Anonymous from New Zealand Packed with loads of information and products that are presented in a way that allows for anyone interested to get an idea of what they could choose to purchase. This website seems to be proudly created by and supporting of many Aboriginal people which is like nothing I have found elsewhere on the internet.
Dan from Germany The website is great and I often tell people who are interested in aboriginal issues or the didj to check it out
Dennis Sigala from USA Just found it! I want to purchase an original Didge from where they came from. And not an Agave We have had Aboriginal people playing and dancing at our Pow Wows. It was very in spring.
Alexandra from USA Its lovely

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