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Now to the story...

Palm Island PCYC opens its doors

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 25 February 2005

The branch manager of the new Palm Island Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) says he has opened the doors to anyone who wants to use the centre.

The north Queensland island's community council boycotted the official opening last week, saying the island's children feel intimidated by police after a local death in custody.

Sergeant Paul Morely says the centre opened late yesterday and hundreds of children streamed in.

"For the next four days, it'll be unstructured activities," he said.

"We seem to think that it's better to start off that way just so the kids can get a feel of the place."

Sgt Morely says that despite the controversy he feels accepted on the island.

"Every group that I've met with since I've got here, I've had great response with," he said.

"They couldn't wait for the place to be open - especially the elders. The elders saw it as something well overdue."

Senior Sergeant Kel Clarke says the centre is about building trust in the community.

"I have no doubt that from time-to-time we will notice young kids here who will be very anxious about going home," he said.

"Although that's gonna be a tough one for us and a tough one for them, that's going to be something we'll deal with as it comes along."

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