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Now to the story...

Beattie anticipates misconduct claims

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 23 February 2005

Criminal lawyer Andrew Boe has advised the Palm Island Council to contact the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) tomorrow over allegations of misconduct against Queensland Premier Peter Beattie.

The Premier pre-empted the action this afternoon by telling Parliament the council was trying to accuse him of bribing it to support the opening of the new Police Citizens Youth Club.

He has told Parliament the council may have secretly taped a meeting with him last week and is trying to suggest he offered an $800,000 inducement.

Mr Beattie has threatened to sack the council and has referred it to the CMC.

Mr Boe, who was at the meeting in question, says after seeking independent legal advice, he is convinced the council should refer the material to the CMC.

"There was a conversation involving the Premier and the council at which I was present which raised some questions about propriety such that independent advice from senior counsel interstate [has] been procured and the advice I have given to the council is that the executive officer of the council has a duty to refer that to the CMC," Mr Boe said.

"And that process is going to occur tomorrow."

Mr Beattie told Parliament his meeting with the council may have been secretly taped.

"If that's true, I urge the council to immediately release that full tape today without any doctoring," he said.

"It's been further suggested to me that at least some of the councillors present concluded that some of my remarks amounted to an inducement linked to the potential release of a council debt of $800,000.

"It is quite clear to me that this is a very deliberate attempt to oppose the Government's proposed alcohol management plan."

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