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Now to the story...

Palm Island petition in G-G's hands: Vanstone

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 23 February 2005

The Federal Government will wait for the Governor-General to contact it before deciding whether to hold a royal commission into the death in custody of Mulrunji Doomadgee on Palm Island in Queensland last year.

Hundreds of Palm Island residents have signed a petition calling for the high-level inquiry, saying they are unhappy with the Queensland Government's investigation into the death.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Amanda Vanstone says their petition was addressed to the Governor-General.

She says she will wait until he contacts the Federal Government about the matter.

"It was directed to him, not to me," Senator Vanstone told the National Press Club in Canberra.

"I'm sure that if he wishes to seek my advice or the Government's advice on this matter, he will. The Government will give him such advice as it considers appropriate on that matter."

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