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Indigenous leaders criticise Palm Island alcohol plan

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 20 January 2005

Aboriginal leaders claim the Queensland Government could face more trouble on Palm Island in the north of the state if it tries to introduce a radical alcohol management plan into the community without providing back-up services.

The Palm Island Council is circulating a flyer on the island criticising the plan.

Palm Island is the last of 19 Aboriginal Communities in Queensland which have been targeted by the state Government to have tough alcohol restrictions imposed, to curb violence and abuse.

The Government has drafted a new plan for Palm Island after considering the serious problems caused by alcohol.

Under the new plan, only low to mid-strength beer can be sold or brought onto the island.

Wine, spirits and other alcoholic beverages will be banned completely.

Cars, dinghies, ferries, barges, and planes can only carry one carton of beer at a time regardless of how many passengers are onboard.

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