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Now to the story...

Doomadgee's body arrives on Palm Island

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 11 December 2004

The body of Cameron Doomadgee, who died in police custody three weeks ago, has returned to Palm Island for burial today.

The body arrived by plane this morning, met by family members and Murandoo Yanner.

Dozens of flower arrangements have also been delivered for the funeral, which is scheduled to begin at a local church at 11:00am (AEST).

Friends and relatives are lining up for to view the body.

The burial is scheduled for 12:30pm.

Details of the funeral service and burial were announced on Palm Island in a simple notice, stuck to the main cash register at the local retail store.

There had been a dispute between police and the Doomadgee family over whether there should be a police presence at the funeral.

It has since been decided that one plain-clothes officer, who is well-known to the family, will attend.

The funeral service coincides with a national day of action in Brisbane over Aboriginal deaths in custody.

Mr Doomadgee, 36, died on November 19 at the Palm Island police watch house, spurring an island riot and protest rallies.

Mr Doomadgee's death is the subject of a Crime and Misconduct Commission inquiry.

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