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Now to the story...

Palm Island prepares for funeral

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 11 December 2004

Preparations are under way for today's funeral of the Indigenous man whose death in custody sparked last month's riot on north Queensland's Palm Island.

The Queensland coroner yesterday released the body of 36-year-old Cameron Doomadgee to his family.

On Palm Island, details of the funeral service and burial have been announced in a simple notice stuck to the main cash register at the local retail store.

There has been an ongoing dispute between police and the Doomadgee family over whether there should be a police presence at the funeral.

It has been decided that one plain-clothes officer, who is well-known to the family, will attend.

Mr Doomadgee's death in the local police station three weeks ago is the subject of a Crime and Misconduct Commission inquiry.

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