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Now to the story...

Palm Is leader warns of police 'payback'

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 1 December 2004

Gulf Aboriginal leader Murrandoo Yanner is standing by his warning of possible "payback" against police if charges are not dropped against those arrested over the Palm Island riot.

Emotions are still running high over the recent death in custody of 36-year-old Cameron Doomadgee which sparked last week's violence.

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has urged Indigenous leaders not to inflame the situation.

"I'm not going to attack Murandoo or anyone else. I just say to everyone here, let's just take a deep breath, let's just accept that there is an independent body doing the homework here," he said.

Murrandoo Yanner says there appears to be one rule for police and another for Aborigines.

"The black fellas were quickly dealt with and jailed and the white police are still being investigated and yet it's far more serious than rioting or arson," he said.

A second post mortem examination was carried out yesterday, but it is not known when the results will be released.

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