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"In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?

Anonymous from USA Respect for natural resources.
Bobby from USA All I can go off of is what I have ready but I think the difference is...everything. it appears to me that the aboriginal people live a bit like the native americans of the us. it was their land to begin with...westerners took it from them and are now letting them have a small piece of it back.
Anonymous Material greed.
Chris from USA Peace vs. Chaos
Anonymous They way of see life and nature
Chuck Thorne from USA Peace of mind real free spirit
Anonymous from China (pr) Again I'm not qualified to answer.
Daniel from Switzerland Pace of life...
Daniel from USA Nothing
David Lucena from Brazil The way of thinking.
David from USA Aboriginal = Embracing one's traditional culture. Western = Depending on mass media to dictate their lives.
Elsbeth Procter from USA Attitude towards each other and the environment
Fábio Augusto from Brazil I don't know
Frank from Netherlands A Aboriginal is a lot more familiar with mother Earth and has more respect for it than the Western society
Gary from USA The Aborigines are not a materialistic society.
Anonymous from USA Western society is more industrialized and farther away from the land and our roots.
George from USA A respect for the earth and each other.
Anonymous Culture
Jake from USA I believe that aborigines live their days focused on their culture religion and beliefs. whereas a lot of the western world are focused on money. we don't take enough time to relax and enjoy nature and the world.
Jake from USA Greed and power
Jesse from USA From what I know they are closer to nature and not computers and television.
Anonymous I do not know much about modern Aboriginal society.
John from USA The sense of community
Josef from New Zealand Diff rent cultural background
Kate from USA Time
Anonymous Size
Keith from USA They have peace we don't
Ken Hrycyk from Canada Aboriginal people are raising awareness about their life values.
Ken Rath from Denmark The question about a perfect life
Leslie from USA Lifestyles
Luca from Italy Society is babylon. a mass of brainwashed consumer idiots.
Anonymous I've been told that when this root race of humanity has gone the Aboriginal people will not have to return to this plane of existence such is their spiritual advancement. Most of us Westerners will find ourselves back to something resembling this life. This is a pretty big difference (and illustrates how much we have to learn) however if this answer makes no sense: One lives in nature the other lives (seemingly) against it.
Matt Meers from USA The biggest difference is the scale of perspective. The Western world is obsessed with the NOW and FUTURE. While Aboriginal has the depth of knowledge that spans tens of thousands of years.
Neil from United Kingdom Probably the material nature of the western world. I imagine aborigines don't care about having "things" (gadgets fads fashions etc.) as much as we in the west do!
Nick Mikrikov from USA The difference between a family based/oriented peoples and a race of peoples who are too keen to turn a blind eye to the pain and the suffering.. also western society has its only stronghold as long as the power remains the same.. change the ideology and power diffuses and western society is no longer a threat to itself and the ecology of the world
Anonymous from USA Value hierarchy and money-
Richard Crow from United Kingdom There is very little difference in the two societies all humans are social creatures choosing to live with others with common ideologies it is just unfortunate that the western world seems to be a lot more selfish in the way that many western people treat fellow living beings flora and fauna alike.
Anonymous from France The Western society doesn't respect enough the others society.
Anonymous We have to struggle to live in harmony with and respect the planet earth. Its an every day thing for aborigines.
Russell Sherman from USA I'm not sure
Anonymous from France Les autochtones ont le respect des vraies valeures qu'elles soit humaine ou de la nature
Anonymous Connection with the environment
Sergio Gonzalez from Mexico The simply kind of life of aboriginal people the contact with the nature and the no explotation of natural resources things that society don't do.
Anonymous from Chile The extreme individualism of the western society
Steve from USA ????
Anonymous Not much really. Some of us are really struggling also. I don't guess we're as taboo as they are thought.
Thomas Gibson from USA Culture
Anonymous La valeur de l'argent.
Anonymous from USA I do not know much about aboriginal people. I do know that the are peaceful and spiritual nomadic hunters and gatherers centered around their connection to nature. Western society is more centered towards prosperity and individual wealth.
Willard Shaw from USA LACK OF GREED
Anonymous The money

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