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"In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?

Aaron Jerad from USA I think aboriginal people view themselves and intrinsically connected and a part of nature Western society views itself as above or outside and dominant to nature.
Anonymous Freedom. Because in Western society we just delude being free.
Anders from Denmark Western = more and want more aboriginal = balanced
Andreas Kreischer from Canada Ownership
Artes from USA I can't say I don't know aboriginal ways...I would love to learn but I don't know enough to commit..I can only say the British emptied their prisons. sending the low class euro-trash to your country.zero good could come from that population pool making children with them could not be good.
Bart from Belgium Western society lost all connection with Mother Nature and lives in dead worlds.
Bronislav from Czech Republic Zamestnání
Chris from Canada Technology
Anonymous They live/d in co-operation with their surroundings. Western society uses up their surroundings.
Cody Anderson from USA Capitalistic ideals.
Anonymous Greed
Dan from USA Modernization
David from USA Not sure
Anonymous Materialism
Dominic Tozier from USA Western society has much more money
Emily Jones from USA Aboriginal peoples can see the sky and see the earth and not think that they own them much like our Navajo people who are Native Westerners. Western society in general has a very big voice.
Francois from South Africa Western society thinks food comes out of a packet and water out of a tap. The Aboriginal know food and water comes from nature.
Anonymous Western society is greedy
James from Ireland I think Aboriginal people value their heritage more than many people in Western society
Jim from USA Aboriginal society is simpler and less complicated than Western Society.
John Davis from USA Spiritual
Jordi Garcia Martinez from Spain Life priorities are much different
Keenan Leonard-solis from USA Western society seems too fast-paced and all about the money. If I don't make a buck while doing something that I love a lot of Westerners talk of me as 'crazy.' Aboriginal society seems more in tune with the power of healing and of doing things out of love of the Earth or the spirit world and not just "to make lots of money."
Anonymous from Sweden The Aboriginal has hard to adapt
Kirsten from USA People in the West tend to have excess mind whereas Aboriginal cultures tend to still have access to their essential 'knowing' or instinctive awareness.
Laurent from Switzerland Aboriginal think how to live Western Society think how to make money
Manuel from Germany We are shortsighted but look always in the future aboriginal people live more in the moment.
Michael from USA Lower stress levels in aboriginal peoples. Westerners take like too seriously don't appreciate the small things in life and its intrinsic value.
Anonymous Honesty
Anonymous The name of the society
Patrick from Puerto Rico Aboriginal society holds much greater respect for nature their elders and others than western society does.
Pavel from Canada In my opinion the difference between the two societies are vast especially in the way of perceiving life.
Per from Sweden The goals of life... We westerners think that if accomplish something get rich or powerful we will get happy while most native people Aboriginals included live in the now the presents in contact with themselves. In short the know who they are we don't.
Pierre-luc from Canada Western is way more stressed and don't take the time to relax.
Rene from Netherlands The roots are still present in Aboriginal society. The Western society is out of control
Anonymous from USA Western society is more technologically advanced.
Sean from USA Aboriginal respect the land more and have a greater understanding of the world while Western society seems to caught up in the hustle and bustle of having a job. If only more people would sit down relax and enjoy what a beautiful place we live in.
Anonymous from USA Western society is ignorant of their culture and beliefs also of their knowledge of healing in adverse situations
Thom from USA I am ignorant to most of these matters being an american however when looking at the difference between Contemporary american lifestyle and Native american tradition clearly we have lost an appreciation for our mother earth and have forgot the fruitfulness of life that can be gathered from natures way.
Thomas Workman from USA Sustainability
Anonymous Western society is grounded on production and earnings. Aboriginal tribes is basically focused on surviving not in how much they can get in less time.
Vitezslav Svec from Czech Republic Aboriginal are close to the nature. Western society is over complicated too technical.

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