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"In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?"

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Name and Country

In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?

Anonymous from USA Modern is not always better.
Bobby from USA I believe they could really teach us where we all came from. that is one of the downfalls of all of this new technology and "conveniences" have made us forget where we came from in the beginning.
Anonymous Living with the land and caring for it.
Chris from USA How they have maintained their cultural values for so many centuries
Anonymous The spiritual part
Chuck Thorne from USA Kindness
Anonymous from China (pr) A unique world view and of course original cultural arts.
Daniel from Switzerland Simplicity connection to nature/environment Social connection
Daniel from USA History
David Lucena from Brazil To live in peace.
David from USA Music and a deeper connection with the natural word.
Elsbeth Procter from USA How to live happily on this planet.
Fábio Augusto from Brazil Learn witch your magnificent culture meditation tranquility peace
Frank from Netherlands Survival in the nature
Gary from USA Western society could learn to slow down and appreciate Mother Earth and respect others.
Anonymous from USA A more simple life.
George from USA How to live off the land using just what you need. Using material and techniques that conserve the land/water for future generations.
Anonymous Learn the aboriginal seasons not just the 4 seasons we have need to learn how to protect the land in your way.
Jake from USA How to play the didge of course! I believe we could learn a lot of their history arts tattoo and body piercing and preserve some of their customs in historical books and even in museums.
Jake from USA Simplicity
Jesse from USA The same thing that we could learn from any indigenous culture be closer to nature.
Anonymous How to survive using natural resources and maintaining the culture of your family
John from USA Caring for the earth.
Josef from New Zealand Live in harmony with nature
Kate from USA In my opinion there is a lot to be appreciated from the rich art of the Aboriginal people.
Anonymous Tolerance
Keith from USA Medicine
Ken Hrycyk from Canada The people are the same as any culture and that they want to preserve and teach others about the people.
Ken Rath from Denmark Protecting the nature
Leslie from USA Peaceful living
Luca from Italy Respect for nature and the land
Anonymous To live in the heart to live as the soul and to live alongside nature.
Matt Meers from USA Their ability to maintain the longest lived continuous culture on the planet. Their traditional stories are a window into our common humanity. As a traditional people they are a link to what it means to be authentically human.
Neil from United Kingdom Living within their means and not over exploiting the environment around them.
Nick Mikrikov from USA How to be in contact with the earth including all spiritualistic ideals and 'live and let live' morality..how to rid ourselves of the materialistic plague we have thrown ourselves to..
Anonymous from USA Cultural values - actual versus perceived
Richard Crow from United Kingdom To not destroy the cultures and resources of indigenous people to make a quick profit.
Anonymous from France Vision of the nature and the Earth.
Anonymous How to live in harmony with and respect planet earth.
Russell Sherman from USA Their different perspective about music
Anonymous from France Le respect de la nature......juste preleverde la nature ce que nous avons besoin pour vivre l'harmonie avec la nature les hommes le respect des anciens........la joie dans l'ascèce....le bonheur d'être ensemble........
Anonymous Relationship with nature and healing techniques
Sergio Gonzalez from Mexico The most important in all the societies and sure the western society of australia who still having aboriginal people and traditions is keep the roots of this traditions and learn about it and live all together in peace and harmony.
Anonymous from Chile The connection with the Earth.
Steve from USA Many many things. how to be closer to the earth for one
Anonymous What it's like to be part of a culture that has struggled so hard to exist.
Thomas Gibson from USA Culture
Anonymous Leurs respect pour la nature
Anonymous from USA We should take and learn from the aboriginal people and their connection to nature.
Willard Shaw from USA LOVE OF LIFE
Anonymous Freedom and detachment

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