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"In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?"

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Name and Country

In your opinion what is the most important thing our Western society could learn from Aboriginal people?

Aaron Lewis from USA Slooooow down quit trying to make a living and make a life
Adam from Australia The aboriginal culture.
Anonymous That you can survive living off the land without destroying it. That Capitalism promotes aggressive cut-throat anti-social attitudes and that these attitudes lead to financial success usually at the expense at others is truly an ugly part of our society. We need to sit down and relax to some Didgeridoo and understand that through education understanding and communication we can all move forward and that these elitist American ideals needn't be for us.
Anonymous from USA How they have remained connected and in tune with the land for so long without consuming it as modern western culture does.
Anonymous How to care for the land and respect it.
Anonymous Not familiar with aboriginal
Ariella Trotti from Italy Have respect for all beings
Audrey from USA I feel the aboriginal people have searched within themselves to find the means and strength to once again find a way to live in a hostile society with their artistic abilities.
Bart Boogaard from Netherlands Dreaming
Betsy Sauther from USA Respect for the mother earth
Bill Hollingworth from Australia Sharing possessions selflessly
Bob from USA Things (material possessions) are not as important as the natural environment or people themselves.
Brent Shifley from USA How to work with Nature and how to fully respect Nature
Brian James from United Kingdom How to take care of our planet and use its resources in a sustainable way taking only a small part of what is available
Anonymous Don't know much about the Aboriginal people other than they are a tight nit community and use as many of the Earth's resources as possible which the rest of us could stand take a lesson from.
Célio Melek from Brazil Sobre sua cultura religiosidade
Crid Jack from France In my opinion our western society could learn how to respect our mother Earth and father Universe to live harmoniously with our wonderful and mysterious world. We have lost the plot somewhere along history and what I have learnt so far about the Aboriginal people is that they have a fun and beneficial existence for Earth. I also think that their connection with the spirit world is remarkable and that there are a lot of things we should take example of from the Aboriginal people. It seems to me that they are the original people from earth and that us westerners are from elsewhere planets who have come here to learn the ways of life and sadly do not see it...
Anonymous To live with the earth not fight it.
Dana from Canada Healing Ways from the past - ancient wisdom
Anonymous from Canada How to live in harmony with our planet earth
David from Australia To return as healers protectors and caretakers of our mother earth
David from USA How to live in touch with nature and the land.
Deborah from USA Don't know
Diamantina from USA The importance of living in harmony with all creatures and living in tune to our spiritual natures.
Dianna from USA Western society could learn to respect our environment.
Dionisio from Spain To KNOW another western cultures and see your way of life (music gastronomy etc..). Take free and true information over other people. NO for copy this ¡ Only for know more.
Anonymous Their Culture
Anonymous Respect and appreciation for the land and nature
Drew from Canada To love and respect the land
Eddie from USA Family social structure and social values also perhaps a new way to rethink political structure.
Erik Putnam from USA Respect and community!
Anonymous from United Kingdom Sense of community
Gabriel Flores from USA The way that a single culture can revolutionize the way people think about their country. The Aboriginal people are a symbol for more then just a culture but for Australia as a whole. People today in the younger generation (my generation) for the most part throw aside their family culture in pursuit of flashy new things like phones and cars. The Aboriginal culture is kept alive by people who (by choice) want to be a part of their family's culture and the culture of the first people of Australia.
Gabriel Florez from USA How nature and the earth affect us more then any other power in life. Without a solid connection with nature our western society is losing its sense. The aboriginal people are truly versed in the ways of life and death and how all of it is connected to the earth. We as a whole in Western society should try to steer away from the flashy gimmicks of the iPhone and Droid and all the other gadgets and try to focus on how we can better ourselves through a solid and intimate connection with nature.
Garry from Australia How to help a community in need without destroying a culture.
Gary from USA Spirituality
George from Cyprus To live in connection with nature to listen and not exploit what mother earth gives us
Graham from New Zealand Family values
Gregg Nardozza from USA Tradition... tradition is being lost throughout Western society and in fact throughout the world in many places.
Anonymous from Germany Ecological sustainability
Anonymous The truth of living among nature
Harry from Australia To care for the land and not plunder it like thy do now
Anonymous from Netherlands Listen to the body
Jack from Antarctica I think the Western society should learn from the American Indian issues of our OWN past and KEEP the Aboriginal culture alive before it ends up being too late to do so.
Anonymous from South Africa How to stand together and support each other
Anonymous To have less of a negative impact on the land.
James from Canada To appreciate nature and the spirit more.
James from USA Need to study up more on it... I would have to say respect for our planet and everything in it and the love of simplicity and not wanting more than u really need to survive...spirituality
Anonymous from USA How to not take things so seriously
Jeff from USA How to maintain the spiritual connection all life shares
Anonymous from USA How to maintain culture for so many centuries in a mostly unbroken way
Jeffrey from USA Appreciation of their ancestral heritage
Jessica from USA To relax and relate to your foreign cultures.
Jim from USA I do not have the knowledge of Aboriginal society to comment
Anonymous Living and taking care of the earth and not altering changing or destroying it.
Anonymous Survival without technology
Kristi Edwards from USA The cultural connections that the Aboriginal people carry throughout their lives.
Anonymous Respect for the land....
Lionel Mouesca from France The deep respect they have for Mother Earth.
Anonymous Love for nature
Mark from USA How to live in harmony with the earth rather than seeing ourselves as separate from it.
Mark from USA How to live in balance with nature.
Mathieu from Canada We could a lot from Aboriginal people when it comes to living in Harmony with nature and our environment.
Anonymous Respect for land
Matthew Neenan from USA How to balance use of the earth with industrialization so as to not destroy the resources faster than they can be replaced
Michelle Brough from USA Respect and appreciation for the Earth nature and heritage.
Mike Meyer from Israel How to be part of the nature
Nick from USA The history and lifestyle of all ancient cultures should be regarded as a national treasure and treated as such. All of the worlds ancient cultures have much to teach modern society about medicine and healing methods about music and art and about living a more natural way of life respecting the earth and all it's inhabitants.
Anonymous How to live simply
Anonymous How to get back to nature and take care of the earth
Peter from New Zealand Their unique culture & their long link to the land & how to live with the land instead of against it.
Phil Weiler from USA Western society needs to learn to appreciate protect promote and enhance the unique cultures of Aboriginal and native peoples everywhere regardless of where they live. The world will be a poorer place if we lose the language art stories and customs of our native peoples.
Pierre from Canada Respect for nature and others. Try to preserve cultures.
Randal Wilson from USA How to love the bush as a life giving Mother and to work with her instead of exploiting.
Robert Kennedy from USA Adherence to community ethos.
Roberta Hobson from Canada It is to Find that inner "place of Peace" the "dreaming" that so many have no idea about...
Robin from USA Patience sincerity
Roger from USA How to respect the land and not use the resources available unless their needed.
Roger from USA Honoring of the Earth understanding our relationship to the Earth the animals minerals air water and the plants. Learning to live with a smaller impact on the Earth: plants mineral air water animals etc.
Ronald Ballard from USA Art spirituality
Samantha Davis from Australia To respect our land+fellow man. re-connect with the earth attune ourselves with nature+honour our elders. treating ourselves+our world with more care+love. deeper sense of community+tribal punishment for injustices
Sanford Webb from USA Tolerance and respect
Anonymous from USA Honestly we've been so stupid and it's not the job of the Aboriginal people to teach us we need to take it upon ourselves to learn. If we really took time to study the wisdom and knowledge of a culture and people that are so ancient... it would do everyone a lot of good.
Anonymous The value of protecting and practicing cultural arts and crafts.
Sean Jackson from USA How to be less technologically dependent.
Shawn from USA To treat the land with respect because they know they are a part of it.
Anonymous from USA How to live in harmony with the earth
Steve from United Kingdom Having a strong cultural foundation and heritage and being in touch with the natural landscape is some that ALL Western people should learn from Aboriginal people.
Stuart Sills from Australia Languages music dance religion dreamtime
Sundeep from USA How to be caretakers of the land that it is necessary to take from the land carefully and with minimum damage.
Thomas from Germany Life with Mother nature Respect all live
Timur Paltuyev from Kazakhstan Wisdom of life in harmony with nature
Tommi from Finland The main thing can be learned from our Aboriginal friends might be of course the respect towards nature. The ancient connection between the human and the spirits is ignored nowadays. The natives still have that little knowledge what unites the Earth and the Skies.
Troy from Canada How to survive on limited resources.
Wayne from Australia How to live learn nurture and benefit from the land. this has been mastered over thousands of years by the aboriginal people and something western society desperately require to re-learn and master.

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