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Does playing the didj have any effect on your health?
Please comment on the health effects of didj playing.

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Does playing the didj have any effect on your health?

Please comment on the health effects of didj playing

Adrian from Australia It has a very positive effect Helps breathing and builds up the lungs
Alex from Australia It has a positive effect I feel somewhat more energized after a good session of playing body feels light breathing is improved lungs are feeling okay lips are buzzing there may be other more subtle effects who really knows?
Alex from USA It has a positive effect The circular breathing helps strengthen and stretch the lungs as well as giving the player relaxation and the ability to meditate more deeply.
Andrew Hodge from Canada It has a very positive effect Playing helps me meditate. I use the breathing to put my self in to a trance. The vibrations also send me in to a trance. Circular breathing I feel is good for my lungs
Bill from USA It has a very positive effect It helps to keep my sinuses clear and I breath much better.
Carlos Gandara from USA It has a positive effect Better breathing deeper concentration
Chagry Akoglu from Turkey It has a positive effect It's helping to improve breathing
Christopher from USA It has a positive effect Good for breathing. relaxes lip after a lot of trumpet playing. Very meditative as well. Relaxing.
David Pau from Argentina It has a very positive effect Gives me peace of mind and relaxes me after playing. Sometimes their sound makes me euphoric.
Derek from Ireland It has a positive effect Relaxing. Always learning new ways to play.
Don from USA I cannot play didj It's probably good for the lungs.
Doug from USA It has a positive effect It keeps my breathing steady throughout the night
Douglas from USA I cannot play didj I think playing the didj would have a positive and relaxing influence.
Elad from Israel No effect I really don't know buy its fun:)
Elzo from Netherlands It has a very positive effect Not only the breathing techniques bring power to my body but also the trance like feeling that comes to mind several times is strengthening the soul.
Erik from Sweden It has a positive effect Practicing makes me happy! (and I guess that's healthy)
Anonymous from Brazil It has a very positive effect Ever since I started playing I feel like I can actually sleep much better.
Fred Ashplant from USA It has a positive effect Playing the didge definitely relaxes me. Playing for twenty minutes or so greatly relieves me of stress.
Anonymous It has a very positive effect When I played my friends didj I felt as if I was part of the local natives it made me feel at peace & when I played with disc it just has that calming aspect like drinking chamomile tea relaxing could play all night till I get tired
Howard Dempsey from Australia It has a positive effect Exercises the mind in music enjoyment and exploration in mind to music relaxation
It has a positive effect I feel I have if possible a better lung capacity. It feels as if I can breathe much more regularly.
Anonymous It has a positive effect It feeds the soul which in turn boosts the immune system ... I am hoping it will cure my sleep apnoea...see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxDYY3xWnIg
James from USA It has a very positive effect Stress relief. a tension release in expressing what you feel.
James from United Kingdom It has a positive effect It certainly helps chill you out.
Jaroslav Novak from Czech Republic It has a positive effect Since I started playing didgeridoo my problems with asthma are not serious
It has a very positive effect Primarily mental health gives me a connection to some deep places like nothing else can.. working the lungs and head muscles has positive benefits
Jose from USA I cannot play didj I've heard that playing any instrument which requires you to learn circular breathing with strengthen your lungs
Joseph Carringer from USA It has a very positive effect Both mental and physical health is improved. Calming of mind and oxygenating of the body.
Karen from USA I cannot play didj I think the deep breathing required would be beneficial to health. There are some blood pressure remedies which require breathing in certain patterns.
No effect Helps breathing - sometimes helps those with sleep apnea
Kemal from Turkey It has a very positive effect While or after the playing my didj I have became relaxed and spiritually clean
Kenneth from USA It has a positive effect Playing the didge can be a relaxing almost trance like experience.
Kevin from USA It has a positive effect I find it relaxing.
Krystal from Canada It has a very positive effect My body feels energized and enlivened.
Anonymous from USA It has a very positive effect In Kentucky where I live sinus problems and a stopped up head are a daily problem resulting in many headaches. The vibration helps to actually relieve this pressure. I took it up to reduce snoring and find that not only does it reduce snoring but I get a better deeper restful sleep and feel better during the day.
Marcus Jones from United Kingdom No effect Sometimes makes my lips swell if I play for to long
Anonymous It has a very positive effect It relaxes me and my wife so it is good for me
Mary Alford from USA I cannot play didj I am hoping that it will improve my breathing and possibly help my snoring.
Mike from USA I cannot play didj I read that playing didgeridoo has positive affects on sleep apnea. I suffer from chronic obstructive sleep apnea and I have anywhere from 50-70 breathing related issues an hour while sleeping. The traditional CPAP machine doesn't work well for me due to sinus issues. I figure I love music and all instruments (play bass guitar drums and a little ukulele) so if I can get a benefit from playing a didgeridoo I'd be more than happy to do so.
Mirko from Germany It has a positive effect It makes me feel good. Feeling good is the best way to stay healthy.
Morgan from USA It has a positive effect My lung capacity has increased.
Naymond from USA It has a positive effect Since I have been trying to play I have snored less "according to my wife"
Anonymous It has a positive effect It makes me feel better overall
It has a positive effect The lung exercise would have to be good.
Nick from USA It has a positive effect I can swim longer without a breath and I can run farther on less air.
I cannot play didj I think it will have but I don't play that long for saying anything about it
Anonymous from Canada I cannot play didj I would have to guess improved breathing would result as it appears the didj takes a lot of air which in turn would improve vitality and energy.
Anonymous from United Kingdom It has a positive effect I have only been playing for a while but my lung capacity has greatly increased and my wife says I snore less
Peter from Australia It has a very positive effect The more I play allowing more oxygen into the body the better you feel oh yea and no more Sleep Apnea (wife very happy)
Piergiorgio Fiorucci from Italy It has a very positive effect Better breath and modulation in the speach..no snoring:)
Anonymous It has a positive effect I now have stronger breathing.
Richard Wallace from USA It has a very positive effect I think that it's good for my everyday breathing and helps with stress.
Robin Pearson from Australia It has a positive effect Positive beneficial breathing exercise
Sascha from Luxembourg No effect After playing I feel less nervous and more relaxed.
Susan Stephenson from USA I cannot play didj It never occurred to me that there would be any.
Thatcher from USA I cannot play didj I would assume that it would have a positive effect as a cardio tool. I also know that it should help reduce snoring. I also expect it to help with ones mental health as with playing other instruments.
Warren from New Zealand It has a negative effect I get Didgeridoo-itis on my lips

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