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Visitors Comments about the Effects of Didj Sound

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Visitors Comments made during the month of January to March 2002:

Name and Country Effect of Didj Sound
Alexander Kames from Germany After a few minuts of playing a didj it starts playing you. That's all.
Name withheld by request depending on the way it is played; the sound can do anything to me from relaxing to stirring me up; but it always has an effect.
Andrew Hargreaves from Scotland puts me in a trance like state or can be very exhilarating - makes you want to move your mind and body! Like its comming up at you from deep underground - deep inside your mind. The deep undertone of the Didj reminds me of the swell of the surf and the universal energy ( Ommmm ) sound of buddhist and hindu tradition
Andy Pardoe from England It makes me feel connected to the earth/nature and to my friends. It encourages a peacefull meditive attitude.
Anthony Narvaez from USA A calm meditating sound that can bring great clarity. it also sounds really cool! A joy to play. An instrument that creates the perfect atmosphere.
Name withheld by request It is the most transcendental and satisfactory sensation that I ever had inside me when I go to play on the wild nature inside a cave. It is a reunion with the whole universe; the Breath.
Béla Foltin from USA It definitely puts me into a very spiritual state. It talks to me in a language that I cannot comprehend how I understand. It is the conversation of spirits; whispering singing; talking. It is base earth; helaing and soothing.
Name withheld by request connecting with the earth; reminds me where I came from and where I will eventually go
Ben Hamby from USA The didjeridu appears to have the voice of the earth itself; and you can see that effect in the people listening to you play. Their eyes half close; they begin to sway; it's an incredibly powerful instrument. I am able to allow myself to slip into the sounds I'm making; letting go of anything modern. I love the didjeridu.
Ben Moule from England I'm really not sure that I could accurately describe it. It provokes a feeling of joy usually asociated with types of classical nusic; but with a deep base grounding feeling.
Bernhard Sattler from Germany Its like getting in contact with something I missed for a long time not knowing I had it once. It is an overwhelming sentimental happyness. Very earthy and not easy to describe.
Björn Borgström from Sweden makes me feel relaxed; and I need that in my line of work! and it makes me get in contact with mother earth.
Bonny Murray from Canada Deep relaxation and peace; relieves any aches and pains or 'daily stress.' I had a cat with a fatal illness. She was in a lot of pain and I got in the habit of playing the didj for her. No matter how bad she felt she would crawl out from under the bed or wherever and begin to purr and knead. She liked #d best and the lower notes would put her into a deep sleep. I was grateful for my didj during the last few weeks of her life - and I can't play! Only make noise but it still worked for her.
Brad Barker from USA I love the sound the didj makes because when I get really mad at my mother or something like that; the sound just takes over my whole body and I feel relieved and I forget about everything. Whenever I meditate; it's to the didj.
Name withheld by request Calming; centering; meditative. When I am playing ot listening; the resonance travels through me; soothing away to stress of the Mundane day. When I am playing; everything else just melts away and is replaced by harmony.
Name withheld by request I just feel calm when I hear it and when I play is it is as though all the stress goes out the bell end.
Bruce Thomson from Canada the effct is a dichotomy... I find the sound of a didj to be both stimulating and relaxing... with a sense of mystery.
Byron Tsang from USA it's wonderfully mesmerizing.... I especially like the feeling of a longer didj when played against a hard; sound-reflective floor - you can feel the bass through your feet and also against your body.
Name withheld by request It sends me to a beautifully relaxing magical state. I imagine the sun shining; and feel the warmth.
Casey Hamill from USA I love the mellow relaxing and invigorating sound of the didjeridoo. It makes me feel peacefull and joyous.
Name withheld by request The didj effects me and any listener in many ways depending on the style or mode of playing; centering; energizing; calming; trancelike meditation with journey-like visions. I have at times felt my conciousness within or at one with the didj during deep long periods of playing. It is very healing for me as a player and a listener.
Name withheld by request Very primitive sound that evokes an ancestoral kinship with the earth and animals.
chris lofthouse from England I think about the sounds of nature and how they can be played through me. I also help speech dyslexics (lack of motor control) with the didje they find it exciting because of the size and the noises strange and wonderfull(5 years - 16 years) .
chris wormington from Australia I find it is one of the verry few things where you can have a shithouse day at work come home spend 10min on the doo and feel so much better.
Christopher McDowell from USA It is a calming sound which puts me in a reflective mood. I like to have the sound of the didj in the background as I study to keep my thoughts focused.
Christopher Woods from USA listening to the didj has a very energizing effect on me. it's sound is very rythmic and primal. at the same time; playing the didj is a very relaxing and meditative act for me. it's how I clear my mind.
Chumi Goldstein from Canada calms me grounds me back to the earth. Instantly changes the energy in a room of people. Has incredible spiritual effect on me
Colin Petrie from USA I'm intrigued by the simple delivery of complex sound varieties. The distinct timbre and droning have a mezmerizing effect.
Daniel Cohen from USA Calming the nerves by regulating my breathing and creating a soothing drone.
daniel wissing from Germany the sound calms me down and allows me to find my inner core! I can lay down and just listen to the sound -it just gives a good feeling to me! It's not me who plays the didgeridoo but it's the instrument itself which leads me.
Name withheld by request since buying a didj from your shop; it has made me look at music in a whole different light; I am now including didj in many of my musical compositions.
David Dunley from USA It takes me into a deep place.
Name withheld by request When well played; a didj has a medatative effect on me. Get a several of them together; and my mind goes on a mini-vacation. Add a bon fire to enhance the setting and I'm purring like a kitten. This has happened at a festival I went to. At that fest there was a didj dome; it was awsome. There was a bon fire going in the middle of it as well as several didj players going 24-7 for a week straight.
Diane Taylor from USA Having had a two people; one on either side of me; playing Didgeridoo's. The vibration and the sound are incredible. What made it all the more special was that it was at a camping event. It was by a lake; sitting by a fire and enjoying friends when they got me with hte Didgeridoos. I was hooked.
Diarmad Mac Ian from USA The Didj is a very hypnotic instrument; adn is very satisfying to play; regardless of skill level.
Name withheld by request As the note flows through; it gathers my stress and flies away
Edward Gardner from USA Its some what hard to say; however it does take me to another place; another consciousness. That place is a very free place of spirt;mind; and heart.
Elizabeth Feistamel from USA Well; I chose 'don't care' for both of these because I didn't have the 'all of the above' option which is what I would have chosen. Depending on my mood I like didg solo or also with other instruments. I am also very curious about all the different styles of didg. They all are so fascinating to me. I honor all the healing love and heart didg has to offer. I have had a terminal illness called Cystic fibrosis all of my life. Cf is a lung disease that causes more mucus and infection in the lungs all the time. At 23 I am now on the waiting list for a lung transplant and constantly on oxygen. Didg is so amazing for me in this time. It is by far the best medicine I've ever felt. It allows me to share such a loving connection wtih my lungs and opens them up so much. It also gets the energy flowing in them which is so key in healing. So so amazing. I am so thankful for didg to be guiding me upon my journey. I realize I'm sharing a lot with you but as a didg player you know there are so many loving heartfilled aspects of didg and healing is such a powerful one. Thanks for listening.

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