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"How would you describe the sound of the didj?"

On this page you can read the answers our visitors gave to this question as part of our yearly visitor surveys, where you can win great prizes.
(we post comments only if permission was given)

Over the years we have asked our visitors many different questions and any of the below topics contain hundreds of comments from people all over the world. Enjoy reading what other people have to say on those subjects:-). If you have any question you would like us to ask our visitors, please let us know.







Name and Country

How would you describe the sound of the didj?

Aaron Ritchie from New Zealand Haunting
Adam from Canada Unique. I think that the drone is really earthy and resonant the vocalizations create unusual complexity in the sound.
Amy from USA Soothing
Andreas from Germany The sound flows through my body. From the toes to the head. Didgeridoo Sound is my life
Anonymous Like the primal sound AUM in yoga
Anonymous from United Kingdom Haunting / spiritual
Anonymous from USA Powerful mysterious commanding captivating.
Brian from USA Drone
Carl from USA Resonance tone like making a noise through a running fan.
Anonymous Wild and ancient
Chris from USA A wonderful smooth tone (when played right) that just makes your ears feel great when it's heard. It is so smooth it almost seems as if you can taste it.
Christopher from Australia Completely unique. I read it described as the voice of the earth if she had one I think that's the best description I have heard.
Clayton from USA Deep mystic soulful Music that is beyond explanation.
Anonymous from USA Earthy
Dan from USA Growl
Anonymous Exotic
Anonymous from USA Earthy
Debbie from USA Mystical and beautiful
Dixie from USA From listening to the sounds on the greeting cards it sound more in the woodwind family similar to a horn a shofar horn (Arabic) sound a humming type of sound.
Eddie from USA A groan is accompanied by varying sounds creating different combos of musicality.
Eddy from Portugal Soothing and relaxing up to rhythmic depending on how it's played
Erin from USA Earthen
Evan from USA A low drone changeable with the players mouth
Anonymous from Italy Soul vibration
Anonymous Low deep and haunting
Frank from United Kingdom The sound of the Didge to me appeals to something deep inside on a very emotional level and can be soothing or exciting. If you close your eyes you are transported to a different place.
Anonymous Earthy natural calming
Anonymous from Namibia This survey is far to long to enter a competition.
James from USA Don't know
Anonymous Lets discus it I don't know
Jim from USA Haunting.
Anonymous Rumbling and screeching
Jiri from Czech Republic Beautiful power of freedom and naturalism
John from Canada Drone
Josh Darr from USA A soothing hollow sounding drone
Josh from Australia Like a harmonica but a lot more deeper sound that passes right through you sometimes
Anonymous Entrancing
Anonymous Like hearing the spirits of nature all taking at once through a single channeled note.
Keith from China (pr) A raw natural sound which resonates with a natural tone and vibrates at rates which can physically effect the body/nature
Kerry from USA Other-worldly
Kris Hill from USA Raspy and mellow
Anonymous Deep soothing constant bellowing noise
Kylie from Australia Natural and meditative
Lara from Australia Sound of Biame
Lars from Denmark Plain sound that reaches your soul.
Anonymous Aw inspiring
Anonymous from French Polynesia Warm
Anonymous Low. awakening. powerful
Max Jackson from USA Resonant with life rooted with the earth. The sound of the didge reflects the personal experience of the player or his way of seeing the world. It sounds like geological changes rocks and trees. It also sounds like giant highly-intelligent bees!
Melinda from Australia Spine tingling deep and evocative
Mitch from USA Somewhat indescribable. deeply organic in the sense of being connected with the individual player in a more physical sense than other musical instruments
Nicholas Clarke from USA Mysterious and ancient
Paul Bishop from USA Entrancing soothing natural. In the case of some "traditional" styles - irritating
Phoenix from USA Deep droning
Anonymous Kinda mystic and nature connected
Robson Castilho from Brazil I'd rather just the drone because it is the silence we hear the sounds of all frequencies of the plan... plus I have a band that also played with Djambi conga and flutes resulting in a magnificent sound of a footprint in the forest.. draws strength
Ronny Birk from Norway Hard to explain. But it's very different live.
Stan from USA It's like the sound of a light wind blowing threw a cave with a mountain spring near by.
Stan from Canada Earthy-primal- harmonic-melodic-healing.
Steve Mcdonnell from USA Mesmerizing
Virginia Manning from USA Guttural with a vibrating resonance like an equalizer
Walker from USA Otherworldly.
Anonymous Unique

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