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"In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the main difference between Aboriginal and Western society?

Adam Snow from USA Aborigines like all native people know how to live with the land. They take what they need and leave the rest. Westerners tend to make the land suit their own purpose.
Anonymous from Cyprus Right now their rights are not being respected.
Alan Murdoch from Australia Awareness of environments
Anonymous Nosotros abanzamos ellos no
Anonymous from Switzerland The way of living how to use your time and how to live with nature.
Andrew from USA I'm not sure what the difference is except that were all the same just sound different.
Anonymous Westerners' minds are far less open then that of the Aborigines
Anthony from USA Aboriginal live with what the earth provides Western change and control environment to suit their needs
Betty from USA Their love of everything of nature
Bill from United Kingdom Western society is far more money/material oriented.
Brendan from USA Geography
Carol from USA Awareness of and respect for the ineffable.
Carolyn from Canada I think the difference is that the West takes freely and has a sense of entitlement whereas the Aboriginal society is better able to grasp the balance of give and take. I think that the West will plunder until "it" is gone unfortunately.
Anonymous from Canada Perhaps the gap is closing?
Anonymous The suppression from the west. It is just like in the U.S. Plots of land are given to them as 'peace agreements' and taken away. I don't understand why there has to be any distinction between cultures. " Difference" is just a agreed upon name for the individual choices made that define happiness be it lifestyle choice religion etc.
Anonymous Upbringing
David from USA Primitiveness
Anonymous from USA Don't know.
Anonymous from USA I do not know
Anonymous from Canada How much each needs to be happy.
Donna Waterman from USA The west always tries to change others. The west doesn't listen but arrogantly believe their way is the only way.
Eric from Belgium Aboriginal society is linked to Earth like a child to his mother western society is linked to money earned from Earth as if there was an invisible wall between the child and his mother...
Anonymous from United Kingdom The understanding of what ownership of material possessions means
Jean Bruce from USA Jesus Christ
Jesus Antonio from Mexico Equal
John Byram from USA In my opinion Western society can find its roots in the Aboriginal. Aboriginal people have continued to live in their native lands in many of their native practices. Whereas Western society has taken the technology route to change their environment and their practices.
Anonymous from Ireland We have toilet paper they don't
Julia Lee from USA The level of their inherent spirituality and Western society's lack of.
Karolina from USA The Aboriginal society is more in touch with what is actually important
Kenneth from USA Sophistication
Lawrence Lee from USA Unsure
Linda Easley from USA Western society holds the power Aboriginal does not.
Matthew Lepage from USA The main difference between Aboriginal and Western society is geography. With respect to Darwin I would have to get sidetracked but think if given the same living situations we would be quite the same.
Michel Cabardos from Canada Unfortunately my recent trip to Australia left me very concerned for the Aboriginal. They were depicted as very lazy drinkers not in any form interested in education. They don't seem to want to be part of the world. Their values have gone. Hopefully this changes soon. They must regain their pride and carry their values into the new world. Maybe the didge can help them do this. They should promote the didge to the world and them as its creator and guardian.
Anonymous Aboriginals are native australians and everyone else is not.
Anonymous Western society is modern and looks to the future. aboriginal society is more simple and looks to the present
Patrick from USA I do not know.
Paul Rogers from Germany Western world societies have an extremely image based measurement of value and self worth. Aboriginal society views themselves as a part of a bigger picture that is not about their image but the value of nature resources spirituality and community.
Anonymous Western society is destructive.
Rita Miller from Canada Western society has forgotten who they are. They have become detached from the land from nature and from honest human values of family community and appreciation for living things. Their focus has generally evolved into a shallow grasping materialism. For the aboriginal peoples this is not true; they remain connected to their land and their ancestral roots
Anonymous The way we treat each other
Ryan from Australia Outlook on existence
Anonymous from USA Reverence for the past. Higher infant death rates and lower average life expectancy.
Anonymous The lead point of view of the universe. They're 2 opposites terms. I'll can't never understand aboriginal world completely and this really hurt me.
Shaun from United Kingdom Absolute belief in culture and existing symbiotically within the environment to sustain people.
Shawn from USA Survival
Anonymous From what I know the Aboriginal people (like the native americans in US) know how to live with the land and use what they need and not more.
Anonymous from Canada Nomadic Vs village.
Taira from Canada We've lost our belief system and have moved to an ego centric society we've lost touch with our tribe
Terry from USA More spiritually attuned
Trevor from USA Personal responsibility they have it we don't.
Anonymous We are diametrically opposed especially in our belief system and world view.
Anonymous Cultural beliefs that shape our every day lives are vastly different. Western values are largely based on Christianity and Democracy Aboriginals values are from a very different place.
Wesley from Canada Aboriginal society most likely has a more clear and realistic understanding of what being alive is all about.
Zach from USA Aboriginal society respects the natural world. All Westerners care about is changing the world.

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