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"In your opinion what is the most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society?

Aaron Jerad from USA What not to do with the land.
Anonymous Nothing.
Anders from Denmark Hmm dunno
Andreas Kreischer from Canada To fix things when they are broken
Artes from USA Self determination...the children should be shown how in america the native peoples story is the same in terms of how the europeans destroy divide and conquer cultures..they must be taught that they must be bi-cultural to know their own and live and be their own culture...but as well know the europeans ways for survival in this modern world..if their culture is instilled in them first. And they learn to walk in the aboriginal way think in the aboriginal way be spiritual in the aboriginal way..then they will be able to balance the bi-cultural lifestyle that they must live. without rejecting self love and embarrassing self hate aka drugs drinking hopelessness..teach them about malcolm X Marcus Garvey as well as martin L. King.
Bart from Belgium ...nothing..
Bronislav from Czech Republic Nevím
Chris from Canada Culture
Anonymous Weren't they doing fine without us?
Cody Anderson from USA I've spent ten minutes on this question. I've got nothing. Wal-Mart?
Anonymous Thing western society have done wrong and exploited mother earth
Dan from USA That our way of life is no better than theirs
David from USA Stay away from greedy foreign influences
Anonymous Not to let the fast-paced materialistic orientation of western society condition the way we live
Dominic Tozier from USA Agricultural developments
Emily Jones from USA The one thing that is remarkable about the country in which I live is that it is a melting pot of culture. There are many many people here who come from other countries all around the globe. I think that Aboriginal people could learn from Western society that there is strength in conviction in standing together with your own people for equal rights and equal opportunity. It is a lot of work and this is a tough thing to do but good things can happen.
Francois from South Africa Power corrupts and money is power. Just look at how we screwed everything up because of money.
Anonymous Health care
James from Ireland Maybe they could learn more modern skills etc to help them integrate with the "new" Australians
Jim from USA How to use technology to support and improve their way of life.
John Davis from USA How not to be or act
Jordi Garcia Martinez from Spain Nothing important
Keenan Leonard-solis from USA We may be slow to learn and adapt to new cultures and ideas but this does not mean that we want to be kept out of the loop--there are people in my town who have never even heard of the didgeridoo and are not used to its characteristic sound. Through education however they are becoming more appreciative of its power and beauty. So I guess the take-home message is that Western society may need more education on the topics of Aboriginal culture and issues but once they learn they are sure to show their appreciation.
Anonymous from Sweden I don't know
Kirsten from USA The difficulties Western people experience due to being disconnected from nature.
Laurent from Switzerland Learn how to protect their aboriginal culture
Manuel from Germany Don't drink to much
Michael from USA Seek western help to preserve your way of life if you need it.
Anonymous Nothing
Anonymous Modern medical practices
Patrick from Puerto Rico Sadly it seems aboriginal people have been "left in the past" relative to the advancing western society. Even some progress or cultural evolution on their would most likely help spread their ideals and ways of life as well as improve the quality of living for many of them.
Pavel from Canada Nothing
Per from Sweden I have found that some native people I have visited have difficulty to progress. And I don't mean towards western way. But with there own culture and way of living as a starting point. The reason for this I think is mostly because westerners inflicted their way on the natives and therefore in an attempt to keep their culture it made them come to a halt in their own progress.
Pierre-luc from Canada Proximity
Rene from Netherlands Learning to avoid the traps that the Western society has snared itself with
Anonymous from USA The Aboriginal people could adapt technology to make their lives easier.
Sean from USA They can see what we have done wrong and learn from these mistakes as they advance their culture into the future.
Anonymous from USA Understanding of law made against them
Thom from USA I don't know what is the most important thing I could learn from western society?
Thomas Workman from USA That it is on a collision course with itself
Anonymous How to spread their culture and knowledge.
Vitezslav Svec from Czech Republic Better nothing

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