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"In your opinion what is the most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society?

Adam Snow from USA In my view Western ideals do more harm than good. We're too materialistic and we expect to get want we want WHEN we want it. If Aborigines can learn anything from the West it's this: keep to your own ways the West isn't worth it.
Anonymous from Cyprus Gain power to protect themselves.
Alan Murdoch from Australia What not to do (mostly)
Anonymous Mirar hacia adelante
Anonymous from Switzerland Nothing or maybe just what we do wrong. money money money... but even for a nice didj we need money...
Andrew from USA That most western societies today don't want to understand or try to understand other cultures.
Anonymous Probably nothing.
Anthony from USA Medical information
Betty from USA That we as a nation can not be trusted
Bill from United Kingdom Nothing.
Brendan from USA Not a whole lot
Carol from USA That the rest of the world is pretty damned disconnected from reality.
Carolyn from Canada Hmm... I wouldn't presume. I think they were doing fine before we came along.
Anonymous from Canada Hmmmm
Anonymous There are many opportunities that have come available with time and the change in society. Those same opportunities may not have been available to their great grandparents. A lot can be learned based off of individual chosen life paths you see this in many cultures and that knowledge is handed down and over generations there is a shift in a cultures ideology.
Anonymous Our diversity
David from USA Didges need to be cheaper!
Anonymous from USA Books...Western culture has a lot of great literature to offer
Anonymous from USA How we do things
Anonymous from Canada The importance of changing with the times.
Donna Waterman from USA Perhaps healthy living?
Eric from Belgium I wander if there's something good in western society with a good thing comes a bad thing...
Anonymous from United Kingdom West3ern society cannot be trusted to keep its promises
Jean Bruce from USA Health care: disease prevention and treatment
Jesus Antonio from Mexico Nothing
John Byram from USA Aboriginal people can learn to teach Western society more about themselves. I honestly do not know what they could learn from Western society. I do not think they are the ones that need to learn anything.
Anonymous from Ireland How to wear clothes properly
Julia Lee from USA Not to do as we do
Karolina from USA Nothing that is necessary!
Kenneth from USA How to conduct and protect their own businesses.
Lawrence Lee from USA Science and technology
Linda Easley from USA How to read and write
Matthew Lepage from USA The most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society is their own opinion.
Michel Cabardos from Canada That the world changes and native people everywhere need to change too. But the native people must figure out how to keep part of their culture and tradition and fit it into the new world. Not that easy but should be doable if they keep the values from it.
Anonymous Technological advancement maybe.
Anonymous Some technology to improve their lives
Patrick from USA Culture
Paul Rogers from Germany Innovative business techniques.
Anonymous Nothing
Rita Miller from Canada That social conformity is often best viewed in the context of the culture of a specific village or race and that mass social conformity can be disastrous.
Anonymous Not sure
Ryan from Australia I apologise I truly do not know. I definitely know that there IS something but I cannot bring it to mind
Anonymous from USA How globalization and the spread of culture can have very positive (and negative) impacts.
Anonymous My first answer should be "NOTHING" I think but for some reasons this sounds me wrongs. Can't really see it but I'm sure
Shaun from United Kingdom Cultural and technical changes made with cautious approach for the long term consequences to humanity and the environment.
Shawn from USA Survival
Anonymous I'm not sure (since I am a Christian I would say about Jesus but I'm a little biased).
Anonymous from Canada Community development
Taira from Canada I don't think it's a fair trade we as a Western society have hobbled the Aboriginal people I'd rather they didn't learn any more from us.
Terry from USA That Native American culture has many synchronicities with Aboriginal culture.
Trevor from USA I haven't thought about that.
Anonymous Never to treat another human being as inferior. That is not to have an ethnocentric view and think you are better than others - not to be racist/stereotype or be ignorant.
Anonymous Farming techniques and how to use land acquired for profitable practice thus self sustaining their lives through earned income.
Wesley from Canada Don't get involved in modern society.
Zach from USA They don't need to learn much. Not from us anyway.

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