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"In your opinion what is the most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society?"

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In your opinion what is the most important thing Aboriginal people could learn from our Western society?

Anonymous How to sustain themselves - how to grow and raise food so they don't have to go hunting.
Alexandre Uebersax from Switzerland I think if you can live in the wild you are the "purest possible".
Anonymous That we are made up of many cultures bunched into one and we are always changing many traditions from time to time.
Anonymous Science
Anonymous from Finland Probably there's nothing of great importance. Probably some sort of higher concept of empathy but that concept is lacking in most Westerners as well...
Betty from USA Technology
Bob from USA What not paying attention/respect to mother earth results in.
Anonymous from USA No clue
Anonymous from USA That even though we may have some more advanced technologies a lot of us still like to revisit the basics.
Anonymous from USA NA
Clay from USA Quantum Physics.
Anonymous I'm not sure we have anything to offer.
Dale from USA Nothing
Daniel Glancy from New Zealand To market there arts craft and talents
Anonymous from USA Adaptation
David from Canada It depends on which Western culture we're talking about! I'd have to put equality of women pretty high up there along with open-mindedness willingness to explore outside of tradition but these things may already exist....
Dawn from USA Modern ways
Anonymous from Canada How to make money
Don Fecteau from USA To develop every aspect of intelligence
Anonymous Nothing that wouldn't bring harm
Anonymous from Canada That it's necessary to protect yourself from infection/germs by wearing shoes when you go into the cities.
Edward Guertin from USA Modern medicine.
Anonymous Nothing
Anonymous To co-operate
Hal Stepanich from USA How not to get it right
Anonymous There are some things Western society has that can make their lives a bit easier.
Anonymous Use the medical knowledge and treatments.
James Miller from USA That we have a diverse population of free thinkers many wanting to trace back primitive cultures & beliefs
Anonymous How they live
Anonymous How to use their knowledge to make a living while maintaining their own heritage and differences.
Anonymous from USA Is there anything?
Jezz from United Kingdom Technological progress is mostly for good reason.
Jim Robinson from USA Music
Joey Peter from USA Nothing.
Anonymous Agriculture
John from USA Not much.
Anonymous from USA Dunno
Joni Huuhtanen from Finland Health care technology.
Julie Bothmer-yost from USA Scientific method medicine.
Julie from USA Health care issues (clean water immunization etc) business knowledge including legal issues
Anonymous How to earn a living producing their crafts
Keano Martinez from USA I don't know! I feel like the smarter we get the bigger and better our machines get the worse the situation of the earth gets. So I would say they should learn from our mistakes!
Anonymous Health
Kevin Cote from Canada How to become even greater teachers then they already are
Anonymous That they have things to offer that could positively impact western behaviours.
Kevin from USA Not sure
Kim-adrian Rasmussen from Norway Economic and civilisation
Anonymous from Canada Nothing
Anonymous from USA If the Aboriginal people could learn how to work the legal and business systems in place it would be useful in protecting their heritage.
Marilyn from USA Modern technology to help with their industries would be a great aide to the Aboriginal people.
Mark Niglas from Canada The world is becoming an increasingly internationalised place and a strong educational grounding will lead to success in any field.
Anonymous To understand
Anonymous I am really not sure try to expose more talent and traditions because I know it is out there but it doesn't get enough exposure.
Anonymous from USA Computers are awesome
Anonymous Nothing much
Anonymous Not sure
Anonymous How to survive and thrive in a dry climate
Rob from USA Too sale more Didjes
Anonymous from USA Not to judge another person from stereotypes.
Anonymous Patience
Stanley from USA How not to proceed.
Stephen from USA How to get high safely.
Steven Harnie from Reunion Island Technological advancement
Susan Alles from USA Organization
Susan from USA Nothing.
Anonymous Air Conditioning is not evil.
Sylvain from French Polynesia Nothing because they were there before us. We should have respect for our elders and learn from them.
Tanner Saylor from USA That not all of us are the crazed society they might believe us to be.
Tim from USA How to properly balance busy life with calm life.
Trevor from Canada I know many Aboriginals personally who are filled with hate and resentment for the descendants of those who colonized their land. To learn to take a step back and look at human beings from a global perspective that everyone was native to somewhere at some point and has their own culture to bring along and share we can all learn and grow from each other if we bury the hatchet.
Zachary from USA How to market

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