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Now to the story...

Indigenous communities warned of ute dangers

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on March 27th, 2002.

Remote indigenous communities are being encouraged to buy new vehicles to try to stop people from riding in the back of utilities.

A new campaign to stamp out the illegal practice has been been launched

It targets remote communities, which were exempt from the law until December last year.

The Member for Mulgrave, Warren Pitt, says it is now crunch time to enforce the legislation and try to save lives.

"Statistics show that there is a higher incidence of accidents and fatalities, worse luck, in indigenous communities because of the cultural requirements for people to ride in numbers," he said.

"We have to change that so that we protect people's lives.

"Utilities are not the only means of transport. Many people have vehicles that can take more than the normal four or five people.

"I think what will eventually come about is that many communities will purchase small buses."



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