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Now to the story...

Federal Court hears native title sea claim

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on June 5th, 2002.

A hearing is underway in the Federal Court in Perth to determine if an Aboriginal group has native title over land and sea within a 90-kilometre radius of Perth.

Aboriginal activist Coorie Bodney has told the court he is the last remaining descendant of the traditional people of the Perth region, and wants his links formally recognised.

The claim area stretches 10,000 square kilometres from Gingin, to Mount Cook in the south, Clackline in the east and just west of Rottnest.

Another group, led by high profile Aboriginal activist, Robert Borpho, has also lodged claim to the same area.

Mr Bodney says he also wants his links with the land recognised.

"It is for my children and their children so that people will know that they are the traditional living descendants of the original inhabitants of the territorial boundary," he said.



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