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Now to the story...

NT website hopes to unite refugee and Aboriginal experiences

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on April 4th, 2002.

Refugees from Liberia, Sudan, Ethiopia and Yugoslavia and schoolchildren from the Aboriginal community of Ngukurr have participated in today's launch of a website at the Northern Territory Museum in Darwin.

Strong People, Strong Stories is the title of the website and an exhibition which links refugees, the people of Ngukurr and, courtesy of the World Wide Web, the global community.

The children from Ngukurr school concentrated on making the cloth banners, while young people with refugee backgrounds compiled a website linking their experiences with those of their Ngukurr counterparts.

With Sudanese dance and song, poetry and art, project organiser Karen Manton, of the Torture and Trauma Survivors Service, said the launch lived up to her expectations.

The stated aim is to celebrate individuals, cultures and communities through the stories told on the website and in the banners.

The banners will be on display at the Museum and Art Gallery for a week.



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