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Now to the story...

Mismanagement claims at NT mines prompt call for Senate inquiry

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on April 19th, 2002.

The Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation is calling for a Senate inquiry into allegations of environmental mismanagement at the Ranger and Jabiluka uranium mines in the Northern Territory's Kakadu National Park.

The corporation's Andy Ralph says the Federal Government regulator has lost control of the projects.

Mr Ralph says the misplacement of uranium ore in January and allegations of mismanagement by former Ranger employee Geoffrey Kyle aired on last night's 7.30 Report must be investigated at the highest level.

"There is no doubt that the Federal Government regulator's hands are off the wheel.

"He knew nothing about these allegations by the former employee, knew nothing about the misplacement of the 85,000 tonnes of ore back in January," Mr Ralph said.

"We need a full and independent Senate inquiry to be held now into the monitoring and reporting regimes at Ranger mine."



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