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Now to the story...

Rock art group calls for clarification of development plans

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on May 6th, 2002.

The International Federation of Rock Art Organisations says it is still waiting for written assurance that ancient Aboriginal rock art on the Burrup Peninsula near Karratha in Western Australia will not be removed from sites earmarked for development.

Federation president Robert Bednarik says scientific evidence that industrial activity is destroying the rock art will be published later this month and further action will be taken as a result.

He says there is some confusion as to the State Government's plans to manage the world-renowned art during massive industrial developments planned for 40 per cent of the peninsula.

"The Minister for Indigenous Affairs has stated there will probably be a relocation, whereas the Premier prefers there will be no relocation or rather the relocation of the installations rather than the rock art," he said.



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