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Now to the story...

Traditional owners calling for clean-up of Jabiluka mine site

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on April 18th, 2002.

An organisation representing a group of Kakadu National Park traditional owners is again calling on Rio Tinto to rehabilitate the Jabiluka mine site.

Rio Tinto is holding its annual general meeting in Melbourne today.

A spokesman from the Gundjehmi Aboriginal Corporation, Andrew Ralph, says the site, which is surrounded by Kakadu, needs to be cleaned up.

"Many thousands of tonnes of uranium ore sitting on top of the mine site under a tarp," he said.

"It was supposed to be there for two years, it'll probably be there for 10.

"It is an outrage also that there's a mining decline tunnel some two kilometres long which is filling up with water every second of every hour of the day."



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