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Now to the story...

Remote communities feel abandoned on petrol sniffing

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on May 30th, 2002.

Remote communities feel abandoned on petrol sniffing The Central Australian community of Mutitjulu says it is sick and tired of waiting for governments to adequately address the problem of petrol sniffing.

The community, located near Uluru, says remote areas are being ignored.

The problems at Mutitjulu were highlighted this week with the death of a 15-year-old boy who was burnt while sniffing a fortnight ago.

Traditional owner and community council chair Graeme Calma says the problem is getting worse.

Mr Calma says the Prime Minister's announcement last year of $500,000 to combat the problem in Central Australia has already been absorbed in the set-up phase.

Mr Calma says he doubts the community will see any of that funding.

"It's like we're just left here to rot in a sense, where if this was to happen in Alice Springs or in a major centre there'd be a public outcry," Mr Calma said.

The Tangentyere Council in Alice Springs hopes to have its petrol sniffing program operating within a month.



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