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Now to the story...

No change to uranium mining ban, Gallop says

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 19 February 2005

Western Australian Premier Geoff Gallop has accused the Greens of "jumping at shadows" after the party expressed concern about a map of the Ningaloo region, which identifies uranium deposits.

The resources map was drawn up by a government department last year.

Greens MP Robin Chapple has described the map as "suspect" and has questioned why it highlights the deposits, in light of the Government's anti-uranium mining policy.

But Dr Gallop says the Government has made its position clear, and there will be no uranium mining while he is Premier.

"The geological survey always collects information on the mineral resources in the state but that has no relationship whatsoever with our policy, which is crystal clear, and the Greens are jumping at shadows on this point," he said.

"We're absolutely clear on this issue - there will be no uranium mining under Labor."

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