Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs
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Govt 'committed' to Indigenous employment

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 14 February 2005

The Federal Government says jobs for Indigenous Australians will not be put at risk by changes it is planning to make to a key employment program.

Employment Minister Kevin Andrews has revealed that a review by his department has found that a number of Indigenous communities believe they should be getting better results from the Community Development Economic Program (CDEP).

The program involves around 240 Indigenous organisations and has provided 37,000 jobs to Aboriginal Australians.

Mr Andrews has told Parliament changes will occur next financial year to ensure the needs of Indigenous communities are better met.

"The Government is committed to maintaining its funding for CDEP work of this kind, it is valuable work," he said.

"It has clear benefit to local communities, in fact it's an essential source of work for so many people in Indigenous communities.

"We are committed to maintaining and improving CDEP work for Indigenous Australians but we won't be putting jobs at risk."

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