Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs
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Now to the story...

Indigenous communities band together to conserve sea life

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 12 February 2005

Northern Australian Aboriginal communities are working together to develop conservation management plans for dugongs and turtles.

The Federal Government has allocated $3.8 million over the next three years towards their conservation.

The North Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA) says some Aboriginal communities are already involved in collecting discarded fishing nets that dugongs and turtles become trapped in.

NAILSMA chairman Gearhardt Pearson says the plan is to extend these types of initiatives across northern Australia.

"We hope to have regional plans for the Kimberleys, the Northern Territory, the Torres Strait and Cape York and then we will come together and we will start funding projects, be it research projects, direct on ground projects etc," he said.

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