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Now to the story...

Beattie urges Palm Is calm

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 7 February 2005

Queensland Premier Peter Beattie has again urged Palm Island residents to be patient and let the Crime and Misconduct Commission (CMC) and coroner properly investigate the death of islander Cameron Doomadgee in police custody.

The state coroner will visit the island early next week to hold a preliminary hearing into the death, which sparked a riot on the island last November.

It has been reported that a second autopsy report has concluded the fatal injuries suffered by Mr Doomadgee were almost certainly sustained during his arrest.

Mr Beattie says those claims need to be dealt with through a proper process.

"We need to actually conduct this in a professional manner and that's what we are determined to do," he said.

"I urge everyone on Palm Island to just let justice take it's course.

"I'm giving them an undertaking again today, we will ensure that justice will take its course and it will be fair."

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