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Now to the story...

Elders step in to defuse NT pub brawl

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 21 January 2005

Northern Territory police say community elders helped break up a massive brawl overnight at the Borroloola Hotel in a community 700 kilometres south-east of Darwin.

Police say the fight broke out as the pub was closing about midnight, and up to 250 people were involved.

Hotel staff were forced to barricade themselves behind a security cage for protection.

Superintendent Colin Smith says police will hold a crisis meeting with elders, hotel staff and people involved in the fight to make sure it does not happen again.

"There was quite a large group of people there that were at varying levels of intoxication," he said.

"There's some indication that hotel staff may have incited some of the violence that occurred.

"These are all options the police are looking at - it's easy to get together as a group and discuss them all together with all the representatives there."

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