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Now to the story...

Accused Palm Island rioter jailed for breaching bail

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 5 January 2005

A court has heard an alleged Palm Island rioter breached his bail conditions because he feared homophobia in Townsville.

David Shane Shepherd, 27, has been jailed after moving to Cairns.

Cairns police arrested Shepherd earlier this week on a public nuisance charge.

Today his lawyer told the Magistrates Court he moved north because he was a black gay man and feared "rednecks and prejudice" in Townsville.

But magistrate Tina Previtera said despite Shepherd's fears he had made no attempt to notify authorities before or after he moved.

Shepherd was jailed for one month after he pleaded guilty to three counts of breaching bail and the nuisance offence.

Magistrate Previtera also revoked Shepherd's bail, saying he had a history of disobeying court orders and public nuisance offences.

He is due to re-appear in court on the rioting charge in March.

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