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Now to the story...

Dugong, turtle hunting restricted under new agreement

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 23 December 2004

The hunting of turtle and dugong will be restricted to four months of the year under Queensland's first traditional hunting agreement.

Parks and Wildlife and the Angumothimaree people have signed the agreement to protect marine resources in the Pine River near Weipa.

Permits will be issued by traditional owners between December and March allowing the capture of one male dugong or turtle for cultural purposes.

Brian Singleton, from Parks and Wildlife, says similar management plans may be adopted by other indigenous communities next year.

"There has been interest at the next river system, the Mission river, and there's also been interest on the east coast at Lockhart and the Lama Lama people down around the Princess Chgarlkotte Bay area have also expressed interest in looking at a community-based management plan for that area," he said.

"It's taken around two years but now that we have got a template to work off, the others should be a lot quicker and a lot smoother and we've got something to take around to communities to show them and they can look at that and say 'this is something we can work with or you know we'd like something very similar'."

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