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Now to the story...

Aborigine communities seek 'wash for fuel' deals

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 14 December 2004

Several Aborigine communities in Western Australia's Kimberley are negotiating with the Federal Government for similar agreements to the deal with the Mulan community.

Under the deal, the Government would offer petrol bowsers and new health programs in return for the Mulan Aboriginal community meeting certain conditions, such as ensuring children shower every day.

Now the Government has confirmed that at least 20 other communities in the Kimberley are also negotiating shared responsibility agreements.

Tony Familari from the Indigenous Coordination Centre, the body responsible for negotiations, says many of the proposals are community initiated.

"Generally the outcomes really have to be something the community wants," he said.

He says the outcomes of the agreements are wide ranging and include requests for new sports facilities, nurseries and cultural activities.

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