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Indigenous education funding changes referred to Senate inquiry

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 8 December 2004

Changes by the Federal Government to Indigenous education funding have been referred to a Senate inquiry.

The request was put forward by the Northern Territory Labor Senator Trish Crossin.

Senator Crossin says the inquiry will not delay the introduction of the Bill but she hopes it will reveal anomalies with it and therefore force some changes.

"[It will] bring to light some of the problems that parents and students will have accessing this funding and hopefully their stories can make this Government change their mind," she said.

"If this Government had actually consulted these people initially and done their homework thoroughly rather than push some ideological agenda, then perhaps these people wouldn't be so worried about missing on money that is due to their Indigenous kids."

Senator Crossin says submissions will be called for during the Christmas/New Year period and the committee will report in May.

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