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Now to the story...

Minister admits progress slow in Indigenous justice

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 29 November 2004

Federal Justice Minister Chris Ellison admits there has been little progress on developing a national Indigenous justice strategy.

Australian Democrats Senator Aden Ridgeway raised the recent riots on Palm Island in Queensland in Question Time today to underline the high rate of Indigenous incarceration.

Senator Ridgeway says Indigenous people are 15 times more likely to be jailed than the rest of the population.

Senator Ellison told the Senate he agrees the results are not good.

"The progress has been slow and I agree with Senator Ridgeway but this is the responsibility of all governments in Australia, not just the Commonwealth," he said.

"The incident at Palm Island is a matter for the Queensland Government and Queensland law enforcement.

"Having said that though, we are keen to work with the state governments and the territory governments that Senator Ridgeway has mentioned."

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