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Now to the story...

Indigenous leader's funeral prompts Uluru closure

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 28 November 2004

A funeral will be held later today for one of Australia's most senior Indigenous leaders.

The man, who cannot be named for cultural reasons, was involved in the handing back of Uluru to its traditional owners in 1985.

The central Australian Indigenous community of Mutitjulu is in mourning after last week's death.

The traditional owners of Uluru, known as Anangu, asked that the rock climb at Uluru be closed today as a mark of respect.

The park's management agreed, saying it is important to sensitive Indigenous culture.

It is only the third time the climb has been closed for cultural reasons since 1985 and management says there are no plans to close it permanently.

It will re-open as usual tomorrow.

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