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Now to the story...

Labor urges Govt to step up reconciliation efforts

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 5 November 2004

The Federal Opposition has urged the Prime Minister to use his Government's fourth term to achieve reconciliation between Indigenous Australians and the wider community.

Labor's spokesman for Indigenous affairs, Kim Carr, says after four election victories John Howard has the authority and power to lead a national program of reconciliation.

"What we've got now is a government that faces a situation of unparalleled political power," he said.

"You would think that reconciliation would be the top of the political agenda at this time."

Senator Carr says that includes acknowledging past injustices committed against Aborigines.

He says the Prime Minister should discuss with the states measures to improve job opportunities, health, housing, education and other services for Indigenous Australians.

The Prime Minister is on leave.

A spokesman has declined to comment.

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