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Now to the story...

Indigenous voice won't die with ATSIC: commissioner

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 19 October 2004

ATSIC's northern zone commissioner says the Northern Territory's Indigenous voice will not be lost when the commission is abolished in June.

Under Federal Government plans, the transferral of Indigenous affairs administration from ATSIC to government departments will begin in July.

Commissioner Akarriyuwu Hill says it will clearly affect the way Indigenous affairs is handled nationally.

"I don't think that's representation, or advocacy," he said.

"The question is in regards to Aboriginal affairs and the administration of Aboriginal affairs."

But he says because of the large Indigenous population and representation, Northern Territory communities will not suffer.

"I don't think it's been a great loss for Indigenous people in the Northern Territory in regards to representation," he said.

"We've got strong leaders out there and this is just another hump on the road which we need to overcome and move on with pretty much caution in regards to out future."

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