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AMA attacks major parties on Indigenous health

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 4 October 2004

The president of the Australian Medical Association has criticised the Indigenous health policies of both major political parties ahead of Saturday's election.

Dr Bill Glasson has told a Brisbane Indigenous health centre there is enough good rhetoric from Labor and the Coalition but not enough funding.

He says $450 million a year over four years would significantly improve the health of Indigenous Australians.

Dr Glasson says a major issue is the need for ongoing funding for programs.

"I think we have some of the solutions, that have come up in the last few years that have come up from the grass roots," he said.

"But we do not have sustained funding. What governments do is give you a little pot of money, and they say get that project going, and by the way there's no money for it to continue."

"So what happens is that they're on their bended knees, year after year, trying to get sufficient funds to give us sustainable programs into the future," he said.

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