Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs
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Row erupts over NT Indigenous housing

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 7 September 2004

The Northern Territory's Housing Minister, John Ah Kit has been accused of making inflammatory comments rather than focusing on the progress made in Aboriginal housing.

Federal Family and Community Services Minister, Kay Patterson says it is unlikely that a lack of housing could lead to Redfern-like riots as suggested by Mr Ah Kit.

She says Indigenous communities are building and maintaining their own houses and Mr Ah Kit should acknowledge that.

"We've actually increased, by $75 million over 4 years, housing in remote communities," she said.

"When Mr Ah Kit can match that then he can ask for me but lets see what the Northern Territory Government's doing.

"The commonwealth, the Australian Government is putting $1 into every 13 cents states and territories are putting into housing."

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