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Now to the story...

Labor to base Indigenous policy on greater consultation

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 3 September 2004

The Federal Opposition says it will not be clear on exactly what will replace the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) until it consults Indigenous communities if it wins government at next month's election.

Shadow minister for Indigenous affairs Kerry O'Brien says Labor is committed to elected representation for Indigenous Australians.

But he says the exact structure of that representation and a date for its introduction would only follow a period of consultation.

"We realise that some communities will be better placed to get involved earlier than others and I've also made the statement that we don't say that there will be one model for all over Australia," he said.

"We'll be looking at systems that work best for different parts of the country to involve communities and give them a say in their future."

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