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Now to the story...


Indigenous council plans put on hold

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 31 August 2004


The Federal Government has postponed announcing its planned Indigenous advisory council.

The Indigenous Affairs Minister, Amanda Vanstone, says she has chosen a council of about 14 people, reflecting a mix of youth and experience.

But Senator Vanstone says she has decided to hold off making the appointments now that campaigning is underway for the federal election.

"I certainly don't want the people who've agreed to be involved and agreed to serve on that to be dragged into some political exercise because of an election campaign," she said.

"So my office is speaking to each of those people today, indicating to them that we're very grateful for their agreement to serve and should the Government be re-elected we'll be back in touch with them and taking up their agreement and forming the national Indigenous council."


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