Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Training program to improve Indigenous healthcare

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 27 August 2004


Aboriginal leaders and the medical profession are hopeful a new program launched today will result in better health outcomes for Indigenous Australians.

The program aims to improve medical students' understanding of Indigenous culture, diversity, history and general health issues.

It is hoped the program will help to provide a holistic approach when dealing with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

In launching the initiative, former governor-general Sir William Deane says the project is a welcome opportunity to help overcome appalling health standards among Indigenous Australians.

"If adequately funded and supported, and properly implemented and... developed [it] will make an immense contribution, not only to the more effective education and training of our medical practitioners in Indigenous health, but to the overall wellbeing of Indigenous Australia generally," he said.


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