Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Wind farm may threaten Indigenous sites

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 17 August 2004


There is concern a controversial York Peninsula wind farm development could pave the way for the loss of Aboriginal heritage sites across South Australia.

The Wattle Point wind farm was given the go-ahead by the State Government on the condition that the developer aims to protect archaeological sites.

But Quentin Agius, who is being paid by the developer to be an Aboriginal consultant, says work has been taking place without him being present.

He fears that the Government's approval for the development, despite the acknowledged significance of the land, is setting a precedent for the rest of the state.

"The whole area itself has got a dreaming and it's connected far and wide to other Aboriginal people and that's something we wanted the state minister to understand, that once you start destroying one dreaming site, you start sweeping the land clear of our land formations, then what's to say you do to the rest, to the next party, if someone ended up getting development on their country," he said.

"How are they going to help those people when all they're worrying about is development and all the dollars they can get out of development?"


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