Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Deal reached on Pilbara's ancient rock art

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 1 July 2004


Two Aboriginal groups in Western Australia's Pilbara region have agreed to the relocation of almost 2,000 ancient Aboriginal rock carvings on the Burrup Peninsula near Karratha.

Twenty-three years ago the rocks were collected and stored in a fenced-off area to allow for the construction of Woodside's gas plant.

Now most of the rocks will be moved to a site next to the massive gas plant and arranged in their original formations for public display.

Two of the three Indigenous groups on the Burrup agreed to the move.

Elder of the Ngarluma people Trevor Solomon says his people's hard work has paid off.

"When you look back you did your hard work and your disagreeing and all that had to come out basically from the heart but today is something so special I can't even explain," he said.

"Today I'm really glad that we get things up and running now so that we can work hand in hand with Woodside to remove the rocks that are there in the compound and bring them out here which is closer to where they've been taken away from."


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