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Yorta Yorta land deal 'shonky'

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 10 June 2004


Some members of the Yorta Yorta community have vowed to protest against a new Victorian Government land management deal.

The agreement between the Yorta Yorta and the Government was signed at Echuca this morning.

Attorney-General Rob Hulls says the deal gives the Yorta Yorta a say in the management of some sections of public land.

But North West Regional Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Board chair Gary Murray says he was not invited to the signing.

And he believes it is a shonky deal that does nothing to deliver things of real meaning to the Yorta Yorta people.

"We weaken our position in terms of the real game, the real game is land rights and it's getting your land back and getting land to develop an economic base so you can create jobs and raise your living standards, I don't think this deal's going to do that," he said.


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