Australian Aboriginal News & Current Affairs

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Now to the story...


Indigenous land agreement said to be first

Extract from Australian Broadcasting Corporation - ABC Online, on 10 June 2004


An agreement giving Aborigines more say in the management of public land in Victoria's north and east will be signed at Echuca today.

The Attorney-General and Aboriginal elders will sign up to the Yorta Yorta Co-operative Management Agreement, covering a large parcel of land.

The Government says the deal is an Australian first, and the only land agreement in Victoria that has been reached outside the native title process.

Loggers and graziers have complained they may be pushed out of state forests.

Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls says the deal will improve the way forests are managed.

"While the Minister will retain ultimate decision-making authority, we believe the input of the Yorta Yorta people will improve Government decision-making processes and land management outcomes," he said.


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